back pain wilmington nc

Top 5 Back Strengthening Exercises

Of all the musculoskeletal complaints for which people will go to a doctor, back pain in Wilmington NC is the most prevalent. The more sedentary we are (think about our desk jobs and all the hours we spend in front of a TV or computer screen), the weaker all of the structures that support our frame—muscles, tendons and ligaments—become. This in turn makes back injuries more likely. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. By strengthening your core, which includes not only your back, but your abdomen, buttocks and hips, you are more likely to prevent injury. By practicing a few of these back strengthening exercises on a regular basis, you can help keep your back pain-free.

1) Bird Dog – While on your hands and knees with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, stretch out your right arm and your left leg so they are parallel with the floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Keep your head aligned with your back by looking at the floor or just slightly ahead.

2) Bridge – Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet close to your buttocks (your knees should be approximately above your ankles). Keep your arms on the floor close to your sides and, tightening your buttocks, slowly lift your hips off the floor until a straight line is formed between your knees and your neck. Hold for 30 seconds, return your hips slowly to the floor, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat twice.

3) Forward Plank – Lie on your stomach and raise up on your elbows with your forearms flat on the floor in front of you with your fingers interlaced (forming a sort of triangle between your hands and shoulders), and your elbows directly below your shoulders. Then tighten your abdominal muscles and raise up on your toes, bringing your hips off the floor, forming a straight line between your head and heels. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat twice.

4) Side Plank – Lie on your side with one foot resting on top of the other. With your elbow under your shoulder and your forearm in front of you, raise your hips off the floor until a straight line is formed between your head and feet. Be sure to keep your hips from falling to the front or back. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat twice.

Need to See a Back Pain Chiropractor for Your Low Back Pain? Call Southeastern Today!

Low back pain can be debilitating and it can have a direct impact on one’s quality of life. But, help is available. With the right chiropractic treatment plan, your lumbar pain could be substantially reduced or even eliminated. Call Southeastern today at 910-790-3666 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

wilmington nc back pain

Chiropractic Treatments for Lower Back Pain

It’s not news that millions of Americans suffer from lower back pain. But, what many people may find surprising is that a significant number of these people may be able to achieve lasting relief without medicines or surgeries. For many, a few visits to a back pain chiropractor might be all that’s needed to reduce or eliminate their pain.

How a Misaligned Spine Can Cause Back Pain

Chiropractic treatments have been proven effective for helping people manage their back pain because many of these problems arise from spines that are out of alignment. When your spine is out of alignment, it causes certain muscles to work overtime in order to maintain your body’s balance and stability. In more severe cases, the spine might be so far out of alignment that it may be pinching nerves, resulting in even greater pain.

By aligning the spine, these muscles will gradually be re-educated to work as they’re intended and pressure on the nerves will be released. This will also allow more blood to flow into the area, bringing healing oxygen with it, while at the same time removing pain-causing toxins that might have built up in the area. This is the body’s natural self-healing process at work.

What is the Usual Course of Treatment for Low Back Pain?

The first step a chiropractor does is review the patient’s medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. Depending on the situation, diagnostic imaging or lab tests may be ordered to determine whether or not chiropractic care is the appropriate form of treatment or if there is a more serious health problem that’s causing the pain.

The back pain chiropractor will then devise a treatment plan that includes manual adjustments, massage, at-home exercise, electrical stimulation, hot and cold therapy, rehabilitation (if necessary), and in some cases, nutritional counseling.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments for Back Pain

Chiropractic treatments have been proven to be a safe treatment option for those looking for holistic, drug-free low back pain relief. When applied properly, chiropractic manipulation can leave you feeling a little sore, but over time, the soreness will go away and you’ll start feeling less pain and more flexibility, mobility, and better in general.

It is important to note that treating low back pain typically involves a series of visits to the chiropractor in order for the pain to be alleviated for the long term. When the spine has been out of alignment for a period of time, this will become its new norm, so it needs to be re-adjusted on a regular basis until it is re-educated.

Who Should Not See a Chiropractor for Low Back Pain?

Even though manual manipulation is safe and effective, it is not ideal for every person suffering from low back pain. In particular, people who are suffering from osteoporosis, spinal cord compression, or inflammatory arthritis, or who are taking blood-thinning medications should not undergo chiropractic treatments.

Need to See a Back Pain Chiropractor for Back Pain in Wilmington NC? Call Southeastern Today!

Call Southeastern today at 910-790-3666 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the area, we have an office conveniently close to you.


A Bicyclist’s Guide to Chiropractic Care

chiropractor in Wilmington NCThere’s no doubt about it—biking can take a real toll on the body, whether you’re a recreational or competitive cyclist.  A burning sensation in the shoulders, numbness in the arms and hands, and tightness in the neck are just a few of the common “aches and pains” that many riders deal with.  Not to mention frequent upper and lower back pain.  While it might be tempting to ignore these types of symptoms and “pedal through it” when they first appear, they often recur and can eventually lead to chronic musculoskeletal pain.  This in turn can seriously interfere with both training and enjoyment of the sport.

Can a chiropractic physician help cyclists with these kinds of problems?  Absolutely!  In addition, chiropractors can also help prevent future injuries and even enhance performance—speed, strength and stamina—for healthy cyclists.  In fact, athletes of all kinds can benefit from the advice and treatment of a well-trained, experienced chiropractor—especially one who specializes in sports and understands the importance of biomechanics in a real-world athletic setting.

In addition to being experts at diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal problems, chiropractors have unique knowledge and skills that are particularly useful in working with cyclists.  In fact, a combination of general and specialized training and experience are essential to successful treatment because everything in cycling is interconnected: the nerves, the bones, the muscles, and the joints.  In most cases, all of these elements must be addressed in a holistic way by a systematic treatment plan in order to get good, lasting results.  This is one reason why a chiropractor who specializes in sports medicine will probably have the most to offer you as a cyclist.  They will also work with adjunct professionals such as sports trainers or physical therapists as needed to address your particular needs.

Solutions to problems cyclists commonly experience will likely be multi-dimensional.  That is, they may involve a combination of adjustments, deep tissue massage, exercises, and stretches. will likely be required.  For example, if a cyclist is suffering from lower back pain, it may be due to hip rotation.  An adjustment of the sacroiliac joints will be quite helpful, but appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises will also be needed to address the weakness and tightness in the muscles that affect the hip joints.  Strengthening exercises will contribute stability to the joint, while stretching will help to lengthen the muscles in the region, thus preventing them from contracting when stressed.

While a qualified chiropractor can be a valuable partner in helping patients recover from cycling-related injuries and pain, the cyclist must also do his or her part to make a treatment plan successful.  In the same way that the athlete needs to actually execute a training program for it to be effective, he or she must also take responsibility for the at-home aspects of any treatment plan for it to achieve results.  If you do not complete the prescribed stretching and strengthening exercises at home, you may not get the relief you expect.

Finally, a sports chiropractor will also likely be able to help you professionally fit your bicycle to maximize your efficiency and to minimize the unnecessary strain on your body.  Bicycle size, seat placement, handlebar height, and cycling posture all have a significant impact on both performance and stress on the body.  In much the same way that runners benefit from gait analysis, cyclists benefit from an insightful analysis of riding mechanics.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for a Chiropractor in Wilmington NC!

If you or someone you know is an avid cyclist who wants to ride healthier, perform better and enjoy the sport longer, our chiropractor in Wilmington NC can help!  Call or visit our office today!

Back or Neck Pain? Chiropractic Can Help!

back pain chiropractorPeople who suffer from long-term neck or back pain Wilmington NC are often frustrated by the lack of treatment options available from their traditional healthcare providers. All too often, conventional treatments range from ineffective medications to dangerous surgeries, both of which offer more risks than results. As a result, it’s no surprise that so many back and neck pain sufferers turn to alternative treatments like chiropractic care for relief.

Three Out of Four Back Pain Sufferers Turn to Alternative Therapies

In a recent study performed and published by Consumer Reports, 45,601 of the magazine’s subscribers responded to a questionnaire regarding alternative therapy. As it turned out, three out of four people responded as having used some type of alternative therapy to treat their health issues.

It was also estimated that during the time the survey was being conducted, more than 38 million Americans made over 300 million visits to chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other alternative medicine and holistic practitioners.

One of the most important pieces of information gained by the Consumer Reports study results is that not all alternative therapy options deliver the same level of results when it came to treating the 12 common health problems listed in the study’s questionnaire. More specifically, when it came to back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis, chiropractic care and deep-tissue massage were rated very highly by the respondents. In fact, in the cases of back pain and neck pain, respondents noted significantly more relief through hands-on treatments like chiropractic and massage than through prescription medications. In addition, one in four study respondents felt that their chiropractor was more interested in them and their pain relief, and were more insightful than their medical doctors.

Chiropractic Care Outperforms All Other Back Pain Treatments

The Consumer Reports study results suggests that “Chiropractic outperformed all other back-pain treatments.” By comparison, prescription medication, deep-tissue massage, yoga, and Pilates all delivered similar results, but lacked the effectiveness produced by chiropractic care. Of the study’s respondents who had sought chiropractic care for their back pain, 65% reported that it helped reduce their pain “a lot.” It was also reported that more people suffering from back pain sought treatment from chiropractors than they did medical doctors, and more importantly, the majority of them felt that they benefited from their choice.

The results are similar among neck pain sufferers. Nearly 65% of the study’s respondents who tried chiropractic care for their pain reported that it helped their pain “a lot.” By comparison, prescription pain medications ranked fourth in the ratings with just a 49% satisfaction score.

The Impact of Chiropractic Care on Other Health Conditions

Another impressive fact taken from the Consumer Reports study was that chiropractic care scored high as an effective therapy option for a host of other health conditions besides neck and back pain. Chiropractic care was ranked third as a treatment for allergies, second for treating colds and flu, third for treating fibromyalgia, and third as a headache and migraine treatment.

The Results are In – Chiropractic Care for Back Pain Wilmington NC Can Help Alleviate Your Pain

If you have chronic neck and/or back pain Wilmington NC, chiropractic care can help. Call Southeastern Chiropractic today at (910) 239-3551. We are here for you. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractic care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Chiropractic Treatments for Stress Relief


wilmington nc chiropractor

Stress is one of the top health concerns of the modern age. It can not only exacerbate certain health condition, it can even cause them. And, in many cases, chronic stress can be deadly. For years, the medical establishment has sought to treat stress through man-made medications designed to help ease anxieties, relieve depression, and soothe muscle tension. These drugs, however, come with a litany of other problematic side effects, many of which can be just as detrimental to one’s health as the stress it’s aimed at helping. At Southeastern Healthcare, our Wilmington NC chiropractor uses chiropractic treatments as a valid and proven way to relieve stress without relying harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients found in most prescription drugs. Here are some of the ways chiropractic treatments can help improve your stress relief.

Chiropractic Care Treats Stress at Its Core

One of the most common symptoms of chronic stress is extreme muscle tension and contraction over a prolonged period of time. Eventually, the muscle tension causes uneven pressure being applied to the body’s bony structures. This often results in the spinal column becoming misaligned. The problem is that as long as the spine is out of alignment, the muscle tension will remain or even worsen because the muscles have to compensate for the spine’s loss of flexibility.

Another problem caused by chronic stress is nerve irritation and this is also worsened when a spine is misaligned. Often in these cases, blood flow becomes restricted to certain areas, causing them to become inflamed and painful. Through the gentle manipulations of chiropractic treatments, a chiropractor can ease tension in the muscles, re-align the spinal column, and increase blood and oxygen flow to nerves.

An aligned spine is one of the best natural deterrents to dealing with stress because it allows the muscles to remain supple and it promotes even blood and oxygen flow throughout the body.

Other Ways a Chiropractor Can Help Alleviate Stress

Along with being a holistic practitioner of spinal manipulation, your chiropractor is also trained in helping patients alleviate stress through a number of other means. Your chiropractor can teach you relaxation techniques that will help you reduce stress naturally. He or she will also help you improve your posture, which believe it or not, can have an impact on your body’s stress levels. They can even give you advice on which vitamins and supplements you can take to help combat environmental stressors.

Manage Your Stress and Live a Healthier Life – Visit Your Wilmington NC Chiropractor Today

We live in a stressful world. There’s nothing you can do about that. But, there are natural ways to cope with stress other than relying on chemical-laden drugs. If you want to give your body its best protection against chronic stress, make an appointment with Southeastern Healthcare’s Wilmington NC chiropractor today. We are here for you. Our chiropractic team can help you ensure your body is aligned, relaxed, and capable of handling anything this crazy world throws at it. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Migraine Sufferers and Chiropractic Care

neck pain chiropractorIf you’ve ever suffered a migraine, then you know they’re not your average headache. Migraines are seriously debilitating and excruciatingly painful and for those that have them frequently, they’re actually considered a chronic neurological disorder. Visit a Wilmington NC chiropractor today.

What is a Migraine?

A migraine is characterized by recurring moderate-to-severe headaches. In most cases, the pain radiates along one side of the head and it is usually accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and in severe cases, vomiting. A migraine sufferer can experience these symptoms for up to 72 hours. A third of migraine sufferers claim that they often experience transient visual and sensory disturbances prior to the onset of a migraine.

There is little known about the cause and effect of migraines, but studies indicate that certain behaviors and sensory inputs can trigger the painful events. As a result, avoiding one’s triggers is an important part in most preventive strategies.

How are Migraines Treated?

Most conventional migraine treatments focus on managing the painful symptoms of the condition and not the cause itself. Usually, this involves taking prescribed pain medications or over-the-counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or a combination of an analgesic drug and caffeine.

The problem with these tactics is that they only work on about half of all migraine sufferers. As a result, stronger drugs are sometimes prescribed, such as those in the ergotamine or triptan families.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Your Migraines

In a recent study published in Headache magazine, it was found that among 225 migraine sufferers, the same percentage of people sought chiropractic care as did pharmaceutical pain relief. While this may be a surprise to most doctors, these results are expected among chiropractors because the profession has been successfully treating migraine sufferers for years.

Chiropractic care involves subtle manipulation of the spine, massage, and adjustment of the body’s soft tissues and joints to help relieve the inflammation, tension, and pain associated with migraines. Unlike pharmaceutical treatments, chiropractic care is natural, safe, non-addictive, and effective, and it works without the risk of side effects.

How effective?

In a 2000 study on 127 patients who suffered at least one migraine a month, the patients were separated into two groups – one group would receive targeted chiropractic care while the second group would receive inactive treatment. The group that received chiropractic care specifically tailored for migraine relief experienced a significant reduction in migraine frequency and intensity while the second group experienced no change in their condition. In fact, one in five of the treated group experienced a 90% reduction in the frequency of their headaches and many reported a reduction in their need for medication.

If You Suffer From Migraines, Southeastern Wilmington NC Chiropractor Can Help

At Southeastern Healthcare, we’re experts at helping migraine sufferers find lasting relief. If you suffer from debilitating migraines, call us today. We are here for you. Our chiropractic team can help you manage your pain naturally and effectively. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractic care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington NC chiropractor area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

chiropractor wilmington nc

The Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Low back and neck pain are the two most common reasons why people seek the help of chiropractors. But, while pain relief might be first and foremost on their minds, few cannot help but be surprised at some of the extra, unexpected benefits they enjoy from targeted spinal manipulations. If you’re thinking about visiting a Wilmington NC back pain specialist at Southeastern chiropractic for back pain, neck pain, extremity pain or numbness, or for any other reason, here are four surprising “side effects” you can enjoy from regular chiropractic treatments.

A Healthier Heart

In a recent study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, researchers discovered that people who go to the chiropractor enjoy a lower heart rate as a result of an adjustment. And, the benefits are immediate, with the very first treatment. This is exciting news for people who have struggled with both musculoskeletal pain and heart-related issues because by treating the pain at its source, there’s a greater chance that their heart issues can be dramatically improved without costly medications or risky surgeries.

A Healthier Gutwilmington nc back pain

When your digestive system is working right, the rest of your body usually follows suit. But, if you suffer from irritable bowel or some other digestive issue, it can throw your health out of whack. The good news is that recent chiropractic research has revealed that spinal manipulation of the middle and lower back can effectively relieve the pressure being placed on the nerves that are responsible for making sure your digestive organs function properly. As a result, chiropractic care can often result in the patient experiencing fewer digestive problems.

Improved Balance

The older we get, the more important it is for us to maintain, or strengthen, our ability to balance. There are several exercises and balance-based activities you can do to help strengthen your leg muscles and your core, but research has also showed that chiropractic care can also provide benefits to one’s balance. Specifically, chiropractic care helps alleviate the pain and/or dizziness that can be caused by compressed nerves in the neck so you can walk straighter and with greater clarity and confidence.

Improved Reproductive Health

If you have been trying to get pregnant but have thus far been unsuccessful, then the problem could be with the function of your nervous system. And, because chiropractic care’s predominant focus is on enhancing the body’s nervous system, it can be highly effective at helping improve fertility. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association even recommends chiropractic care to women with diminished fertility issues. And, treatment shouldn’t stop once you do get pregnant because chiropractic care can provide a host of other benefits to expectant mothers, like reducing nausea symptoms, relieving back and neck pain, reducing the duration of labor and delivery, and reducing the chances of a potential cesarean delivery.

Looking for a Wilmington NC Back Pain Chiropractor? Call Southeastern Today!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way to manage your back pain, Southeastern’s team of experienced chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Car Accidents and Delayed Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Even if your recent fender bender didn’t seem too serious, there’s still a very real chance that you or your passengers may have been hurt. That’s because even the most minor car accidents can cause hidden injuries and delayed symptoms. And while damage to your car is likely obvious and easy to assess, evaluating damage to your body may be far more difficult. In fact, it’s not unusual for a driver or passenger to walk away from a collision with potentially serious musculoskeletal injuries (such as a concussion or whiplash), without knowing it.

Because of the stress response, right after an accident the body’s defenses are on high alert. Any pain may be masked by endorphins produced by the body during and shortly after this kind of traumatic event. Endorphins help the body manage pain and stress and can create a temporary euphoria or “high” feeling. When the threat of the accident is gone, endorphin production slowly disappears, allowing you to feel pain that may have remained hidden earlier.


Perhaps the most common delayed symptom is that of whiplash. Whiplash consists of soft tissue damage in the neck from the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head, creating hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck. This can not only cause damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your neck, it can also occasionally fracture or dislocate vertebrae and cause any of the following symptoms to show up later:

  • Headaches
  • Reduced range of motion or difficulty moving
  • Slowed reflexes
  • Vertigo
  • Muscle spasms
  • Localized weakness or numbness
  • Stiffness in shoulders and arms

Other Common Injuries

Every bit as serious as any broken bones or lacerations, a concussion can prove to be a grave threat to your health. Quite simply, a concussion is the result of the brain colliding with the inside of the skull from a rapid acceleration or deceleration. Not all concussions occur because of bumping the head. If the head is restrained in any way and the restraint suddenly stops or suddenly jerks into motion, a concussion may occur. Symptoms of concussion include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Bad temper
  • Nausea
  • Spasms
  • Loss of balance
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion
  • Amnesia
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty concentrating or reasoning
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Tiredness, sleeplessness, or other problems with your ability to sleep

When Did the Symptoms Begin?

The key point with any of these symptoms is to know whether or not you had them before the accident. Someone who knows you or lives with you can help identify any changes in your behavior that may indicate a possible concussion. If you didn’t have a symptom that you’re now experiencing, see your doctor right away.

What Will Insurance Cover?

In addition to the health consequences of car accidents with delayed symptoms, there is also the insurance aspect to consider. Because many accident-related injuries don’t show up immediately, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for the medical expenses from any delayed symptoms if you settle with your insurance company right away. Therefore, consider waiting a few days before signing any release of liability so that any delayed symptoms have an opportunity to reveal themselves.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Your Auto Accident Injury

Seeing a chiropractor for a medical evaluation as soon as possible after an accident is also a good idea, since he or she can help identify injuries and start treatment promptly. In many cases, seeking appropriate medical care soon after an accident can improve your chances of a more complete and more rapid recovery. If you have an auto accident injury Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

iPosture? Are Phones/Tablet Computers Causing Neck and Shoulder Pain?

neck pain reliefWhether you’re an Apple fan, an Android lover or a hardcore Microsoft user, there’s no denying the popularity of tablet computers. The numbers speak for themselves—technology market analysts estimate that over 200 million of them are sold in the US each year. Even if you don’t follow the latest tech trends, you know that mobile devices—principally phones and tablets—are a regular feature around town. From coffee shops and supermarkets to airports and train platforms, they seem to be everywhere. Plus a growing number of businesses are beginning to equip their sales and service staff as well as their executive teams with them. They’re even finding their way into hospitals and doctor’s offices!

But while tablets certainly have their benefits, new research suggests that they also have their drawbacks when it comes to musculoskeletal health. It has already been shown that frequent texting on your mobile phone can cause problems with neck pain (the so-called “text neck” epidemic), but those who use their tablet for everything from work-related applications to just surfing the internet and watching full-length movies may be in for even more pain. The anecdotal evidence is already starting to show up in the waiting rooms of chiropractic offices around the country, and researchers at leading universities are beginning to seriously study the ergonomics and health risks of tablet use.

The results of a study published in Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation found that the use of tablet computers was associated with greater head and neck flexion than traditional desktop computers and that placing the tablet higher on a table and using a case to put the tablet at a more optimal angle could help prevent neck and shoulder problems.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Microsoft Corporation studied 15 volunteers who were regular users of tablet computers. The subjects performed simulated tasks on an Apple iPad2 and a Motorola Xoom, during which the posture of the head and neck, the subjects’ gaze angle and gaze distance were measured by a three-dimensional infrared motion analysis system. They surfed the internet, wrote e-mails, watched movies and played video games.

Each tablet came with its own proprietary case that enabled users to set the tablet at different angles. The Apple case allowed for 15° and 73° tilt angles, while the Motorola case allowed angles of 45° and 63°. Greater flexion of the neck was found with the iPad2 when used in its case. Not surprisingly, tablets set at the least perpendicular angle caused greater neck and head flexion than when the subjects used a desktop or laptop computer. Head and neck posture only began to approach a neutral position when the tablets were set in their cases at the Table-Movie angle at which they were closest to perpendicular.

The researchers recommended that tablet users place the devices on a table and at the steepest viewing angle possible to avoid neck and shoulder pain. However, they cautioned that this configuration might cause problems for the arms and wrists, which in this configuration are not optimally placed for input. This of course can lead to its own set of musculoskeletal problems in the extremities. So the simple fact of the matter is that tablet ergonomics involve some tough compromises or trade offs for users. A position that’s ideal for viewing is troublesome for typing and gestures and vice-versa.

For many people, tablet computers have become an indispensable part of work and home life (for better or for worse). If you’re one of these people and can’t conceive of either giving up your iPad or reducing the number of hours you spend using it, then it’s very important to develop good ergonomic habits that minimize musculoskeletal stress and have the smallest impact on your posture. You should also consider seeing your chiropractor on a regular basis. Chiropractic care has been shown to be more effective in treating neck and shoulder pain than using pain medication. A chiropractic adjustment can realign neck vertebrae and take the pressure off compressed nerves, bringing relief in a gentle, natural manner and allowing you to use your tablet more comfortably. In addition to addressing the problems you already have, your chiropractor will also be able to offer specific ergonomic advice to help prevent them from recurring or becoming chronic.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Neck Pain Relief!

We’re here to help! Whether you have specific concerns about a musculoskeletal problem or more general health and wellness questions, we encourage you to call or visit our office today!

What is “Radiating Pain” and How Can Chiropractic Help?

back pain chiropractorIf you have ever had a case of sciatica, in which pain seems to start in your lower back or hip and radiate down your leg to your foot, you have suffered an example of what is referred to as “radiating pain.” The medical term for pain the starts in one area and travels to another is radiculitis, and although it is not the most common form of nerve pain, it causes a lot of misery for those who suffer from it.

What is Radiating Pain?

True radiating pain is usually the result of a nerve or nerve root in the spinal cord being subject to pressure of some sort, whether through inflammation, injury or spinal subluxation. For example, a herniated disk may create radiating pain because it has bulged out of its normal place and may impinge on a nerve root extending from the spinal cord.

The nerves that run the length of the spinal cord from neck to tailbone and branch out to the left and right are called the radicular nerves. When these are injured or compressed they are more likely to radiate pain than the other types of nerves in our body. If there is a neck injury, for example, pain may radiate down the arm to the fingertips. The pain of something like tendonitis, however, is from pressure on the nerves in the elbow and forearm and does not generally radiate. Some people think they have radiating pain, but the pain is instead often just due to myofascial trigger points that cause a more diffuse pain that seems to radiate out from one area. This is caused by tense muscles and scar tissue that has built up trapping nerves in the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Why Use a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

Chiropractors are expert at treating radiating pain. Your chiropractor will first take a thorough history, examine you, and may order diagnostic tests such as an x-ray or an MRI to determine if your problem may be due to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or another condition that is not apparent from a physical examination.

A chiropractic adjustment can address any spinal misalignments that may be impinging on spinal nerves, taking the pressure off the nerve and reducing pain. In addition, many chiropractors utilize additional therapies that can free trapped nerves, such as the Active Release Technique (ART). A chiropractic ART therapist will be able to break up the fibrous adhesions and scar tissue that has built up in the soft tissue, freeing trapped nerves.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for a Back Pain Chiropractor!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way for back pain relief, Southeastern’s team of experienced back pain chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractor. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.