Are Men and Women Different When it Comes to Exercise?

When it comes to losing weight and getting fit, everyone wants to look and feel better.

Still, men and women approach fitness in different ways.

Men typically want more muscle mass and women usually want to be slimmer, and each gender goes about reaching those goals differently. Women wanting to lose body fat tend to seek out exercises that lengthen muscle and burn calories, such as yoga and dancing. On the other hand, men are more likely to go for strength training or boot camp-style exercise.

Anatomical and physiological differences can translate into different workout preferences and performance.

There are also differences between the sexes (in terms of typical body structure and composition as well as hormonal balance) that can affect the way men and women exercise. For example, women have wider hips that can cause the leg bones to angle in a way that makes women more prone to knee injuries. A woman’s menstrual cycle and various hormonal fluctuations may help or hinder her motivation and performance. Men, for their part, tend to have more lean muscle but also tend to be less flexible than women, whose higher estrogen levels play a role in keeping connective tissues more pliable.

It’s important to note that these types of differences DON’T mean that men and women can’t perform the same types of exercises. For example, while some extreme CrossFit workouts may be more difficult for women, women are certainly able to do them. Similarly, men can benefit from yoga’s stretching and mindfulness even if many lack the kind of natural balance and flexibility that many women have.

Each gender benefits from different activities throughout life.

Whether you happen to be a man or a woman, good health requires regular physical activity—ideally, exercise that promotes strength, stamina, balance, flexibility and coordination. But the kinds of activities that benefit each gender most can vary depending on age.

Bone density in women can decrease rapidly (particularly in women over 40), while the bone density of men usually remains somewhat more consistent throughout life. For this reason, young women may want to focus on higher-impact exercise such as running and jumping to help maximize bone mass early on. Weight training can also help women of all ages increase and maintain healthy bone and muscle mass.

Heart health is certainly important for everyone, but men are more likely to develop heart disease and at a younger age. Younger men can decrease their risk by focusing on lower impact aerobic exercises such as cycling and swimming.

Since cross-training and “muscle confusion” have the potential to jump-start stalled workout programs and to produce more well-rounded results over time, it might be a good idea for men and women to cross the traditional “gender line” for exercise once in a while.

Whether you’re a man or woman, maintaining optimal fitness can also help your spine stay healthy.

No matter your gender, men and women can both suffer from poor posture, spinal pain and discomfort. Many times these symptoms can be prevented or corrected through the right combination of cardiovascular, anaerobic and flexibility exercises.

Get Pain Relief Today – See Your Back Pain Chiropractor in Wilmington NC

If you suffer from pain in your back, Southeastern Healthcare can help you find lasting relief and improved mobility. Call us today at 910-790-3666. We are here for you. Our chiropractic team can help you manage your pain naturally and effectively. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractor Wilmington NC care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

neck pain chiropractor wilmington nc

Chiropractor vs. Massage for Neck Pain

When you’re suffering from neck pain, your first instinct might be to have your neck massaged. But, the truth is, you might be suffering from something that a simple muscle massage may not be able to treat effectively. In cases such as these, professional chiropractic treatment may be required. Neck pain can develop for a wide range of reasons, from something as simple as a stiff neck from being online too long to something as serious as a pinched nerve or a cervical spine that’s out of alignment. But, regardless of the reason, you want relief. And, choosing the right care provider is the first step in finding the lasting relief you’re looking for. Here’s how to tell when you should seek a neck pain chiropractor Wilmington NC over a massage.

7 Signs You Should See a  Neck Pain Chiropractor Wilmington NC

A massage only deals with soft tissue ailments. So, if sore or tight neck muscles are at the basis of your neck pain, then a simple neck massage may suffice. But, in more serious cases, a visit to a neck pain chiropractor may be recommended.

Here are seven key signs that you should see a chiropractor for your neck pain:

  1. The pain and/or stiffness in your neck doesn’t improve after a few days
  2. The pain affects your ability to turn your head left or right
  3. You take over-the-counter pain medications just to make it through the day
  4. Your neck pain has progressed to include numbness or tingling in the wrists and/or hands
  5. The pain is severe in the morning but improves throughout the day
  6. Your pain started a few days after an auto accident
  7. You feel as if the pain is being caused by something more serious than tense muscles

The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatments for Neck Pain

One of the key differences between a masseuse and a chiropractor is the chiropractor has an in-depth understanding of the body’s musculoskeletal system as a result of years of training and education. This provides a chiropractor with the innate ability to perform a thorough examination of your neck, arms, and hands. In some cases, an x-ray or MRI may be required to assist in the chiropractor’s diagnosis.

Once diagnosed by your chiropractor and treatment is initiated, your neck pain should start lessening in its intensity. The muscles around your neck will start loosening up and you’ll find it easier to move your head. In a large number of cases, routine chiropractic care can result in a substantial reduction or complete elimination of neck pain.

Southeastern’s Neck Pain Chiropractor Wilmington NC Can Help You Manage Your Pain

If you have neck pain that’s severe enough to be impacting your daily life, it’s time you sought the help of an experienced neck pain chiropractor. With the right treatment, your pain could be substantially reduced or even eliminated. Call Southeastern today at 910-790-3666 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

chiropractor in wilmington nc

Latest Innovative Chiropractic Treatment Options for Herniated Discs in the Lower Back

Herniated discs are among the most common causes of pain in the lower back. And, when the disc bulges to the point that it is putting pressure on the spinal nerve root, the result can be even more significant with shooting electrical-like pains, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs and buttocks occurring regularly.

For years, the traditional treatment for herniated lumbar discs in the medical profession has been via the use of oral steroids and epidural injections of cortisone. The problem is, both of these treatment options have produced extremely limited success rates and in some cases, serious adverse side effects. So, what options do back pain sufferers have besides these ineffective methods?

Using Chiropractic Care to Treat Lumbar Disc Herniation

Recently, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics published the results of a study in which it was discovered that both chronic and acute herniated disks in the lower back can be effectively treated by chiropractic adjustments. The study was performed over one year and involved 148 patients with MRI-confirmed herniated lumbar discs. Prior to the study, each of the patients suffered from serious back pain, sciatica, and radiating leg symptoms. Of the 148 participants, 79 had experienced the symptoms without noticeable relief for more than three months.

Over the course of the study, the patients were treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation and adjustments deemed appropriate for their individual cases. The patients were asked to self-assess the results of the treatments at specific intervals, including within two weeks, one month, three months, six months, and one year. They were also examined by doctors at those same intervals.

Since just 36% of patients with lumbar herniated disk show improvement after two weeks of traditional treatments, researchers were surprised to discover that 69% of the patients in the study reported significant improvement in both mobility and pain reduction after only two weeks of receiving regular chiropractic treatments. At the one month interval, 79.6% reported significant improvement in their conditions. Amazingly, by the end of the third month, 90.5% had reported improvements in their pain levels and mobility. The chiropractic care portion of the study ended after three-months, but the patients still reported their assessments at the six-month and 12-month points with the results showing that 88% still considered their condition substantially improved.

 Chiropractor Wilmington NC Care Offers Zero Side Effects for Herniated Disc Treatment

One of the other significant advantages of using chiropractic care to treat patients with disc herniation is the fact that the patients in the study reported no adverse side-effects from the treatments. This re-confirms what chiropractors already know – that patients with acute and chronic lumbar disk herniation can experience pronounced improvement in their conditions with zero risk of side effects using drug- and surgery-free chiropractic treatment methods. Whereas pain killers and epidural injections only mask the symptoms of the herniated discs, chiropractic care alleviates the patient’s pain naturally and helps their bodies to heal themselves.

Get Relief From Your Lower Back Pain – See Your Chiropractor Wilmington NC

If you suffer from pain in your lower back, Southeastern Healthcare can help you find lasting relief and improved mobility. And best of all, we can do it without using dangerous, habit-forming drugs or other risky treatment methods. Call us today at 910-790-3666. We are here for you. Our chiropractic team can help you manage your pain naturally and effectively. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractor Wilmington NC care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Automobile Head Restraints Prevent Injuries—Use Them Correctly!



Many people are under the mistaken impression that the head-sized extension at the top of your car’s seat is a head rest. It’s actually not a place to rest your weary head during a long drive, but rather a safety feature called a head restraint that is there to help prevent whiplash in the event of a rear-end collision. And having it adjusted properly can mean the difference between emerging unscathed and enduring weeks of neck pain, along with the cost and inconvenience of medical treatment.

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is the most common type of injury in an auto accident. The Insurance Bureau of Canada has conducted studies showing that the proper use of head restraints can reduce the incidence of whiplash by as much as 40%. Russ Rader of the U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) explains what happens when you are involved in a rear end collision: “The head restraint is designed to work with your vehicle’s seat; it keeps your body and head moving together. The problem comes in if your head lags behind your body and snaps backward. That’s what leads to neck injury, or what’s commonly known as whiplash. Modern head restraints are designed to prevent whiplash, and that’s why they’re so much taller than they used to be.”

One problem is that some people find the newest head restraint designs to be uncomfortable. Some of the common complaints from users at include this one from the owner of a Volkswagen Jetta: “The front headrest points so forward that I get neck pain after just a few miles of driving.” Then there’s this one from a Subaru owner: “Unless you enjoy your face aiming toward your crotch, you may not be able to find a comfortable position for the headrest or your head.”

One of the reasons for the above complaints is that, in order to get good reviews from the IIHS (many people check the IIHS’s ratings for vehicles before they purchase a car) and comply with the regulations established by the Federal Government for head restraints, auto manufacturers must provide head restraints that meet specific criteria. In particular, the head restraint must be no more than 2.2 inches from the driver’s head and it must be two or more inches higher than was previously required.

A head restraint can prevent whiplash only if it is as close to your head as possible when a collision happens. When hit from behind, your head snaps quickly backward, then forward, which causes the muscles and tendons in the neck to overstretch and tear. If the head can’t snap back very far, there is much less chance of an injury occurring.

Most head restraints adjust upward and downward, and some also tilt forward and back. The best position for a head restraint is one in which the head is as close to it as possible, ensuring it is no more than two inches away. The top of the head restraint should ideally be even with the top of your head and should never be any lower than your ears.

Taking just a little time and effort to position your head restraint correctly can save you a lot of pain and suffering if you have an auto accident injury. Your health and safety are worth it!

Visit one of our 6 locations for a consultation to address any back or neck pains you may be experiencing. Call the Southeastern Healthcare office most convenient to you for an appointment for your auto accident injury chiropractor! We also offer a FREE shuttle to and from the office if needed!

At Southeastern Healthcare, we are here to help! Call us at (910) 790-3666

auto accident chiropractor wilmington nc

Why You Should Go to a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident

Thousands of auto accidents occur every day. In fact, so many take place on America’s highways and byways that the odds of you being involved in at least one accident within your lifetime is so much higher than living an accident-free life. Adding insult to injury is the fact that so many accident-related injuries fail to present themselves until a days after the event. And, since most auto-related injuries involve the neck and back, they can be extremely painful and frustrating and affect everything from your ability to work to your overall quality of life. Regardless of whether or not your auto accident was substantial, you should be seen by a medical professional immediately afterward and then, once it has been determined that you haven’t suffered any broken bones, internal bleeding, or head trauma, a visit to an auto accident  chiropractor WIlmington NC is recommended and here’s why.

Broken Bones Aren’t the Only Type of Injuries Caused in Auto Accidents

More times than not, auto accidents don’t involve traumatic injuries like broken bones. While these (and worse) types of injuries certainly can and do occur, by and large, soft tissue injuries tend to be the most common types of injuries associated with accidents. In fact, more than half of all whiplash cases occur in simple fender benders.

When to See a Chiropractor After an Accident

As stated earlier, if you’re involved in an auto accident, then it is always wise to seek medical treatment right away at the scene if an ambulance is called or at your local emergency room so you can be cleared of (or treated for) any major, life-threatening injuries. This is important even if you don’t feel pain because your adrenaline will be pumping after the accident and adrenaline is the body’s natural way of protecting itself against pain and trauma. Keep in mind that it can take as long as a few days after the accident before the adrenaline “rush” starts to wear down. During this time, you may gradually start feeling pain in your back, neck, or other body part.

But, you don’t have to feel pain to visit the chiropractor. In fact, even if you’re not yet feeling pain, you should still visit an auto accident chiropractor in Wilmington NC within two weeks after the accident if anything to get a second opinion and an alignment.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Auto Accident Victims?

Unlike traditional medical doctors, chiropractors are trained to detect hidden injuries like herniated discs, strained tissues, and subluxations. And, they have the expertise and tests necessary for finding them, including orthopedic and neurological tests. These test help identify things like soft tissue damage, structural damage, loss of muscle strength, loss of range of motion, and joint and nerve function problems.

If your chiropractor discovers any such injuries, he or she will create a custom treatment plan designed to help you recover from your injuries. This treatment plan can include a variety of treatment modalities including:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Deep tissue massages
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Kinesio therapy

With the combination of the above treatment methods, your auto accident chiropractor in Wilmington NC can provide you with the targeted care you need to make a return to full mobility and a pain-free life.

Schedule an Appointment with Southeastern’s Auto Accident Chiropractor Wilmington NC

If you were recently involved in an auto accident and you have already been assessed by medical professionals, take the time to see Southeastern Healthcare’s auto accident chiropractor  Wilmington NC. We’ll provide you with a complete physical assessment and create a customized plan of care that will have you feeling better and healthier in no time.

Call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Which Sports Pose the Greatest Risk of Back and Neck Injuries?

back painParticipating in sports is fun. Sports provide healthy exercise, comradeship, a sense of competition, and the opportunity to build and improve athletic skills. However, all sports also involve some risk of injury. In 2006, the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System reported over half a million injuries, and that figure is only for basketball. The same agency recorded another two million sports injuries associated with bicycling, football, and other sports. And it’s not just adults who risk injury—the National SAFE KIDS Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics report that 3.5 million kids age 14 and younger are injured every year playing sports.

It’s important to keep numbers like these in perspective. The truth is that most of these injuries are relatively minor. “Pulled muscles,” meaning muscles and tendons damaged as the result of not warming up and stretching properly, are probably the most common type of injury, but they are not consistently reported to doctors, so no accurate statistics exist on their prevalence. The most prevalent sports-related injuries reported—in order from most common to least—are runner’s knee (55%), shoulder injuries (20%) sprained ankles (15%), and tennis or golf elbow (7%).

Serious Injuries

Next in line come a number of potentially more serious injuries involving the neck, back and spinal cord. These injuries often fit the description of “catastrophic” injuries used by sports physicians, and their number is sadly on the rise. To provide more information for sports enthusiasts hoping to minimize their likelihood of injury (not to mention parents worried about their children becoming injured), we’ve identified a few sports that cause the most neck, back and spinal cord injuries.

Sports that Cause Injuries

Naturally, any kind of “contact sport” (like football, ice hockey, and rugby) involves a higher risk of injury to the muscles, tendons, joints, and bones of the neck and back. Any time a body moving at several miles an hour runs into another one, the laws of physics dictate that there is a certain likelihood of damage, and that the damage may be serious. Even when wearing proper protective equipment (including helmets and pads), there is always a possibility of injury involved in playing these sports.

Interestingly, however, neck strain and injuries are prevalent even among practitioners of non-contact sports. For example, tennis players often put stress on their necks while straining upwards to hit overhead smashes. And cyclists who use racing handlebars and bend low over them put severe repetitive strain on their necks, because they literally have to tilt their head up into an over-extended position to see where they’re going.

Any sport (or strength-training exercise to prepare for participating in a sport) that involves lifting weights increases your risk of injuring your back and spinal cord. Most weight-lifting-related injuries are caused by either not warming up properly, by attempting to lift too much weight, or both. These types of injuries are common not only among weightlifters, but also among martial artists, tennis players and golfers, because these athletes tend to rotate their spines only in one direction. Skiers and swimmers also have a greater number of lower back injuries than other athletes. Even running can cause chronic back pain, because running improperly or with the wrong type of footwear can cause arch pain or Achilles tendonitis, which then throws the athlete’s posture off and can put strain on the back and neck even when they are no longer running.

Which Sport is the “Safest”?

So the “bottom line” is that no sport is entirely “safe” in the sense that it is completely free from the possibility of injury. There have even been cases of people spraining their thumbs from playing tiddley-winks. But if you practice “safe sports” by always warming up and stretching properly, wearing the proper equipment, knowing your limits and not exceeding them, you can avoid many potential injuries.

Contact Us at Southeastern Healthcare Today!

If you become injured—or even if you just want advice about how to avoid injury—your chiropractor can be a very valuable resource. Many chiropractors specialize in the field of sports medicine. They can measure your gait while walking or running, or watch how your body moves when performing the movements required by a certain sport, and offer advice on both how to make your movements more efficient and how to avoid injury while making them. Call or visit our office to learn more!

Where Does Good Balance and Coordination Come From? Introduction to Your Proprioceptive System

Proprioception is a complex system of anatomical checks and balances, neural impulses, and brain functions that controls our sense of balance, coordination, and agility. Put most simply, proprioception is the “sixth sense” that enables you to scratch your head without looking in a mirror or climb a flight of stairs without having to look at each step.

Most of us are so accustomed to proprioception that we take it for granted. Its development starts soon after we are born and is observed in infants as soon as they gain control of their neck muscles. When the infant’s body tilts in any direction, its head also tilts in the opposite direction to level its eyes with the horizon. This “righting reflex” is the beginning of our sense of balance.

chiropractor in Wilmington NC

More technically, proprioception is your body’s ability to transmit a sense of its position in space, analyze that information, and react—either consciously or unconsciously—to stimuli with the proper movement and force. Proprioceptors are a specialized type of motor and sensory nerve that transmits impulses to the central nervous system (in particular, the area of the brain known as the cerebellum) from stimuli felt by the muscles, tendons, joints, and skin. The impulses transmitted by proprioceptors contain vital information, such as the amount of tension in a particular muscle and the relative position of a body part when it is moving.

Proprioception is what enables you to reach for a glass and actually find it in space. It is also what allows you to pick up the glass with just the right amount of force, neither dropping it nor breaking it by squeezing too hard. Proprioception is what enables you to keep your balance when walking on uneven surfaces or when riding a bicycle. The impulses from proprioception combine with input received from the vestibular system (the fluid-filled network in the inner ear that enables us to feel the pull of gravity and know which direction is “up”) and with input from the visual system to create our sense of balance.

However, just as our eyes become weaker with age, so can the proprioceptive system, leading to a loss of proper balance. This is one of the reasons that falling is the number one cause of hospital admissions for people over 60. Something has gone wrong with the complex processing of information needed to maintain their balance, so older people are more likely to slip and fall on stairs or on slippery sidewalks and injure themselves.

Fortunately, you can strengthen your proprioceptive system by practicing simple balance exercises, thus keeping keep your sense of balance from weakening as you grow older. There are many forms of inexpensive exercise equipment (such as BOSU or Bongo Boards) that enable you to stand on a platform that is designed to be wobbly. This instability forces your muscles and your proprioceptive system to work more, and thus become stronger. So if you are over the age of 50, you should consider speaking to your chiropractor about exercises to improve your proprioception. They are very simple but can greatly improve your overall sense of balance, therefore significantly reducing your risk of injury from falls as you grow older.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for a Chiropractor in Wilmington NC!

If you need a chiropractor in Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

Head-to-Head: Chiropractic Adjustments or NSAIDs for Acute Lower Back Pain?

chiropractor in Wilmington NCLower back pain (LBP) is so widespread that it was listed in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease report as being the single leading cause of disability worldwide. Over half of all working Americans have lower back pain symptoms each year, resulting in lost work time and enormous expense – Americans spend over $50 billion each year to treat their back pain.

So it’s not surprising that a great deal of research is being conducted to determine the most effective methods for treating acute LBP. Much of this research has sought to compare the effectiveness of spinal manipulation (the sort of adjustments performed by Doctors of Chiropractic) with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While these studies have generally not produced definitive findings one way or the other, they have served to highlight potential safety concerns related to NSAIDs. For example, investigators in one study found that diclofenac (an NSAID commonly used to treat LBP) increased the risk of gastrointestinal complications by 54% and posed other risks to the kidneys.

Given the added concern about NSAID side effects, researchers and clinicians have had a renewed interest in learning whether drug-free manual therapies—chiropractic care, in particular—can really be just as effective, but safer. According to a recent study published in the April 2013 edition of the journal Spine, the answer is YES!  In fact, the research team that conducted the study found that chiropractic adjustments were both safer and FAR MORE EFFECTIVE.

In this study, investigators divided a total of 101 patients suffering from acute lower back pain into three groups. One group received chiropractic spinal manipulation plus a placebo (sham) version of the NSAID diclofenac (meaning that the only treatment actually being offered was chiropractic care). A second group received sham spinal manipulation and real diclofenac (meaning that the NSAID was the only treatment being employed). And a third group received the same sham spinal manipulation plus placebo diclofenac (meaning that no treatment was actually being offered – this was the “control group”). All treatments were “blinded,” meaning that the patients did not know whether they were receiving real or sham spinal manipulation or real or placebo diclofenac. Outcomes were measured based on a combination of patient self-reporting, physical examination, missed work time, and the amount of rescue medication (paracetamol tablets) participants required over a 12-week period.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, about half of the participants in the “control” group receiving no treatment dropped out of the study because of intolerable pain. Comparing the remaining no-intervention subjects and the two remaining intervention groups, researchers found that the group receiving chiropractic high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation fared significantly better than the group being treated with diclofenac and the control group.

Researchers reported a clear difference between the two intervention groups: “The groups receiving spinal manipulation showed a faster and more distinct reduction in the RMS [root mean square, a standardized test of flexibility and mobility]. Subjects also noted a faster and quantitatively more distinct reduction in their subjective estimation of pain after manipulation.” They also found that the group treated only with the NSAID diclofenac required more rescue medication (paracetamol) than the spinal manipulation group, taking 3 times as many tablets and for twice the number of days. No negative effects were reported from the spinal manipulation group, but several negative effects were reported from the diclofenac group.

So, overall, this study indicates a clear “win” for chiropractic in the treatment of acute lower back pain. Not only does HVLA spinal manipulation avoid the potential safety concerns of NSAID medications such as diclofenac, it has been found to be far more effective. Remember this the next time you experience lower back pain, and consider seeing your chiropractor first. This one simple decision may help you recover more quickly and more completely while also helping you avoid the negative side effects of NSAIDs.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Back or Neck Pain Relief!

Seeing a chiropractor for neck or back pain is a good idea, since he or she can help identify injuries and start treatment promptly. If you have neck or back pain Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

The Strong Core-Healthy Back Connection

Unless you’re either very, very young or live on a remote desert island without TV, radio, Internet or print media, you’ve probably heard the term “core strength” before.  Serious athletes and exercise enthusiasts talk about it at the fitness center, and so do their coaches and trainers.  But did you know that chiropractors and physical therapists talk about it too?  So what exactly is core strength and why do some kinds of healthcare professionals care about it so much?

What is Core Strength?

As you might guess, chiropractic physicians have a particular interest in the musculoskeletal system, the complex structure of bones, muscles and connective tissues that support the body’s frame and allow it to move.  We’ve recognized for a very long time that the core muscles play a major role in stabilizing this frame and promoting correct posture when the body is at rest or in motion.  In particular, strong core muscles contribute to a healthy back by holding the spine in proper alignment, supporting a portion of the body’s weight and absorbing many of the stresses and impacts we all experience when we walk and run.  When your core muscles are doing their job effectively, your spine is protected.  You can think of this as the “strong core-healthy back connection.”  Let’s talk about it in more detail…

In human beings, the majority of movement originates from the lower part of the torso (the lumbar spine and abdomen).  This is the part of the body that tenses first and keeps the body balanced during running, lifting, twisting and other normal day-to-day movements.  Strength in this region is a basic building block from which to develop power in other areas of the body and (as we mentioned earlier) is fundamental to maintaining good posture and spinal alignment.

Anatomically speaking, the core region of the body consists of the lower back, abdomen, pelvis and diaphragm.  The main muscle groups include the transversus abdominus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis and erector spinae.  It is these muscles that often need strengthening due to the fact that on a daily basis most of us are far less active than our ancestors who worked at more physically demanding jobs.

Instructors across a wide variety of athletic and exercise disciplines have known about the importance of core strength for a long time.  Yoga and Pilates teachers, martial artists and qi gong practitioners all move from the same center of gravity and balance in the core region and view this area as the nexus of human power and energy.  They stress the importance of strengthening the core through breathing exercises and meditation as well as physical movement.  Since the core region of the body contains the diaphragm, ease of breathing is both a sign and result of good core strength.  Back pain, on the other hand, may well be a sign that core strength needs to be improved.

Why You Need a Chiropractor

For those who practice sports, proper alignment is particularly important to prevent injuries during physical exertion.  If the core muscles are not strong enough to support the spine during movement, then other muscle groups will be used to perform the action with a much greater risk of damage.  The rest of us also need to be conscious of our core strength since we all engage in strenuous action at various points in our lives (lifting boxes, running to catch a bus, playfully swinging a child, etc.).

While chiropractors are always willing to help patients in need of treatment, the ultimate goal of chiropractic care is for everyone to have the best possible spinal health.  Good core strength definitely contributes to that, whether you are otherwise healthy or have an ongoing postural problem.  If you want to improve your spinal health and posture and reduce your chance of injury, working on core strength through a balanced program of exercise is a very good—and very inexpensive—way of going about it.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Back Pain Relief!

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can improve the strong core-healthy back connection, call or visit our office today!  We’re always happy to help!

A Parent’s Guide to Chiropractic for Kids

A growing number of families in the U.S.—both parents and children—are discovering the benefits of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including chiropractic care.  The good news is that you’re never too young or too old to benefit from the types of therapies a skilled chiropractic physician can provide.  Today’s chiropractors generally have the training and experience to work with patients from early childhood through to advanced age.  However, some practitioners also choose to focus on the unique needs of specific types of patients.

How Children May Benefit From Chiropractic Care

As children enter school, they begin interacting with other adults and kids in a completely different kind of setting outside the family home.  This means that they’re exposed to a variety of new environmental and behavioral factors that can threaten their spine and nervous system health.  From poor sitting posture in the classroom to heavy backpacks in the hallways, rough-housing on the playground and electronics use on the bus ride home, there are a variety of new health risks.  Chiropractic care can help address these sorts of risks as well as others that may seem less obvious.

For instance, there is evidence that chiropractic care may help prevent or relieve many common cold and allergy symptoms, including sneezing, coughing and itching or watery eyes.  This is not to say that a visit to the chiropractor will “cure” the common cold or that the underlying illness will be eliminated, even temporarily.  However, the research suggests that spinal manipulation and other therapies frequently used by the chiropractor may help to strengthen a child’s immune system over time.

Treating Infants

Chiropractic treatments are tailored to every child according to their specific circumstances, including their height and weight.  There is no minimum age for receiving chiropractic care, and even newborns may safely benefit.  In fact, chiropractic care is encouraged for babies as a chiropractic physician may be able to detect spinal problems that could lead to colic, ear infection or asthma.  Early detection may help prevent the development of these conditions and other complications while also improving a young patient’s quality of life.

Communicating with Members of Your Child’s Healthcare Team

As both adults and children are turning to alternative medicine as a way to prevent or treat common ailments, there is an increasing need for patients (or their parents) to communicate effectively with members of an expanded healthcare team.   In most cases, your child’s primary care doctor (usually a pediatrician, general practitioner or chiropractic physician) will play a key role in coordinating care.  Remember that a good chiropractor will always tell you when a particular condition may be outside his or her scope of practice and will refer you to other specialists as appropriate.

Many chiropractors who specialize in pediatrics are members of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and have completed postgraduate courses that focus on the care of pregnant mothers, infants and children.  The ICPA is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1986 by Larry Webster, DC.  The association offers advanced training workshops and seminars for healthcare professionals in addition to its chiropractic certification.  It also has a referral service for parents and publishes a wide variety of materials designed to educate the general public about chiropractic medicine for both children and adults.

Studies have shown that children who visit the chiropractor on a regular basis are likely to grow up with better posture and have fewer illnesses than their classmates.  If you’d like to find out more about children and chiropractic care, please ask us.  We are here to help!