Automobile Safety Tip: Driver’s Seat Position

As anyone who has a long commute to work or drives for a living can tell you, driving can take a toll on your body, especially your back!

Being behind the wheel for extended periods of time can put a lot of stress on the spine, since the normal lumbar curve can easily be affected the typical driving position.  Add to that the bumping and jostling from traveling over uneven road surfaces and speed bumps and you’ve got a recipe for back pain.  Following are a few tips that will help you minimize the risk of recurring or chronic back pain by adjusting your driver’s seat to the optimal placement for driving.

  1. Position yourself properly in the seat.  To do this, ensure that you are sitting as far back in the seat as possible, so that your buttocks are almost wedged between the bottom cushion and the seat back.
  2. Adjust the distance between the seat and steering wheel.  Move the seat forward so you can fully depress both the brake and (if necessary) the clutch, while still keeping your knees slightly bent.  Your leg should ideally maintain an angle of approximately 120 degrees.  If your leg is either too straight or at a 90-degree angle, your seat needs to be moved either closer or further back.
  3. Adjust the tilt of the seat.  Tilt your seat forward or backward until you feel that your leg from hip to knee is fully supported while having your foot on the gas pedal, without feeling that the seat is pressing uncomfortably into the back of your leg.
  4. Adjust the back of the seat.  Your seat should be at an angle that fully supports the length of your back.  It should not be reclined too far, as this can cause you to have to bend your head and neck forward at an angle in order to see the road ahead.
  5. Move the steering wheel.  You should move the steering wheel toward you until it is close enough for your hands to reach the standard 10 and 2 position, while keeping your arms slightly bent.  Having it too close can be dangerous in an accident, but you also don’t want it so far away that you are straining to reach it.  It should be tilted at an angle so your hands are just a little lower than your shoulders while resting on the wheel.
  6. Adjust the head restraint.  The bottom of the head restraint should be level with the base of your skull and should be about an inch from your head while driving in order to help prevent whiplash in the event of an accident.

If your car has a lumbar support feature, adjust it so it supports the lumbar area without pressing into your back. If you don’t have this feature, one or two rolled towels can be used to support the lumbar area.

Try to be sure your knee does not drop to the side while you drive, since this can cause some aggravation to the nerves in the lower back, which can in turn lead to pain in the hip, knee and foot.  Pull your knee in to keep it in line with your body.

If you’re the primary (or only) driver of a vehicle, many of these adjustments need to be made only once.  For the small investment of a few minutes of your time, you can reduce your risk of recurring or chronic back and neck pain.  Trust us, your back and neck will thank you!

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Back or Neck Pain Relief!

Seeing a chiropractor for neck or back pain is a good idea, since he or she can help identify injuries and start treatment promptly. If you have neck or back pain Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

Steroid Injections for Back Pain: Understanding the Risk

Chronic lower back pain is no fun. It is so not fun that many patients who are afflicted with it will try almost anything to rid themselves of the constant pain and discomfort. Increasingly, medical doctors are prescribing epidural steroid injections – anti-inflammatory steroid compounds injected directly into the spinal area – to relieve the pain. While there are cases in which this approach has reduced people’s pain, there are also enormous risks involved with epidural steroid injections. Those who suffer from chronic back pain should be aware of these risks and should discuss them with their physician before considering this treatment.

Effectiveness of Steroid Use

First, there is the question of effectiveness. Some patients have reported an actual increase in their pain level after the injection, not a reduction. The Food and Drug Administration, after all, has still not approved steroid injections for use in lower back pain because no one has been able to demonstrate long-term benefits of the treatment, only short-term pain relief. Second, there are risks associated with the injections themselves, ranging from infection and post-injection headaches to actual nerve damage. Although these types of risks are rare, occurring in only 0.1% to 0.5% of injections, they should still be considered.

Third, there are occasionally negative side effects from the treatment, including an increase in pain level, headaches, anxiety, sleeplessness, fever, reduced immune response and severe arthritis of the hips (avascular necrosis). Fourth, although these drugs may temporarily reduce inflammation, there is increasing evidence that they may contribute to bone loss in older patients. In one study conducted on over 3,000 patients at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, patients treated with steroids were found to be much more susceptible to vertebral fractures, and their risk of incurring these fractures increased by 21% with each round of treatments.

Finally, although it is limited so far to only one supplier of these medications, there is the possibility that the steroid medications themselves can be tainted and cause far more serious diseases than they are used to treat. Several cases of fungal meningitis have been linked to epidural steroid injections using medications supplied by one Massachusetts provider.

The purpose of this article is not to scare people away from injected steroid use. There are cases in which it has been of benefit. But there are questions about whether these medications are useful for treating back pain, and there are legitimate concerns about the treatment’s safety.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Back Pain Wilmington NC

Therefore, the wisest approach might be to try other, safer, and more conservative treatments before you try epidural steroid injections. These alternative treatments include chiropractic care, massage, safer anti-inflammatory and pain-management medications, and simply allowing time to pass to see if the condition improves on its own. If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, by all means consult your medical practitioner, but don’t be afraid to also consult Doctors of Chiropractic, whose entire practice and philosophy is based drug-free, surgery-free and side-effect-free treatments for spinal problems. Schedule your appointment  for back pain Wilmington NC at Southeastern Healthcare today!

Most Common Auto Injuries Explained

Stationary Vehiclesauto accident injury Wilmington NC

Perhaps the most frequent injury involving automobiles comes from closing the door. Nearly 150,000 times a year, someone is injured in this fashion, and that’s with the car parked or stationary. This includes doors closing on fingers. Another 10,000 are injured by using a jack and 74,000 have been injured by a car or car part falling on them.

Moving Vehicles

But cars also move. Roughly one third of auto-related injuries occur due to an automobile striking someone, particularly pedestrians and bicyclists. Injuries can include anything from simple scrapes to multiple broken bones, dislocated vertebrae and damaged internal organs.

A Forbes magazine article noted that researchers from the US Department of Transportation “estimated an annual total of 1,747 fatalities and 841,000 injuries due to non-traffic crashes and non-crash incidents.” These included back-overs and single-car collisions not on a highway.

What Can Happen?

During a collision, passengers can be thrown about within the car, or be ejected from the vehicle (particularly if not wearing a seatbelt), causing significant injuries. One of the most serious of these is called traumatic brain injury (TBI). This is when the brain becomes bruised or otherwise injured. This can happen when the head is forced into rapid acceleration and/or deceleration from impact with other objects, such as a windshield, the body of the car or objects outside of the car. Such brain injuries can result in brain function impairment or even death.

Why You Need a Chiropractor for an Auto Accident Injury in Wilmington NC

Neck injuries include whiplash and vertebrae disk damage. These can result in a range of effects from persistent, long-term discomfort to debilitating pain and even immobility. Whiplash is perhaps the most common malady, which happens when the neck snaps quickly backward (during acceleration), then forward (during deceleration), causing hyperflexion and hyperextension of the cervical vertebrae. After an accident, the victim may be unaware of any damage, but may experience headaches or neck stiffness hours or days later.

A chiropractor can recognize this kind of damage using a variety of diagnostic tests with and can treat it with multiple adjustments, massage therapy and repetitive exercises performed by the patient at home. The chiropractor may even recommend a traction weight bag to help the neck return to its natural curve. Sometimes the damage is permanent, but treatment can reduce the discomfort and decrease in range of motion that might otherwise plague the patient.

Damage anywhere along the spine can occur during a car accident. This type of injury can range from mild to life-threatening. Dislocated vertebrae can result in excruciating pain that can lead to tight back muscles which intensify the problem. Physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments can help return the patient to health. Rehabilitative therapy can also include hot packs, massage, cold packs, traction, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and other methods.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for an Auto Accident Injury Wilmington NC

If you have an auto accident injury Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

What’s the Difference Between an MD and a DC?

It’s important to know the basic differences between an MD (Medical Doctor) and a DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) so that you understand the unique role that each type of medical professional plays in helping you to maintain or regain your health.

Differences Between MDs and DCs

MDs and DCs are both licensed healthcare providers. They examine, diagnose and treat patients. However, most MDs have more hours of training in physiology, whereas DCs typically have more hours of anatomy training. Their methods of practice may help explain this difference in emphasis. DCs are experts in musculoskeletal health and general wellness. Like an MD, a DC will use diagnostic imaging, lab tests, clinical exams and questionnaires to determine a diagnosis, but the course of treatment will be different. MDs tend to prescribe pharmaceuticals and surgery to treat patients, whereas DCs use a more holistic approach involving a variety of hands-on treatments as well as advice on diet and exercise.

Office Visits

Office visits are also often quite different experiences. On a typical visit to an MD, you will likely be asked by a nurse or assistant to fill out paperwork and provide information about your condition. Then the MD will visit you, look at the information, perhaps perform a brief clinical examination, and quickly prescribe a treatment. In the course of doing this, most doctors will take only a small amount of time to understand your overall health picture. And treatment will usually involve drugs and/or medical procedures.


It is not uncommon for patients to have a more personal relationship with their DC than with their MD. Visits to a DC also tend to be more involved. The chiropractor will speak with you at length about not only your physical symptoms, but your lifestyle habits as well. He or she will examine you, perform any necessary tests, discuss possible treatment options, and provide appropriate manual therapies. Together, these treatment methods are sometimes referred to as “physical medicine”.  These may include targeted spinal adjustments, therapeutic massage, disc decompression, laser therapy, electrical stimulation and hot and cold treatments as well as structured exercise and stretching programs. In addition, the chiropractor may also make specific suggestions about your nutrition, day-to-day environment and physical activity.

In general, musculoskeletal problems (particularly those related to back, neck and joint pain) are better treated by a DC. However, many chiropractors have also developed specialized expertise in other areas as well. DCs will refer you to an MD if they believe that diagnosing and treating your specific condition is beyond their scope of practice.

Looking for Back or Neck Pain Relief? Call Southeastern Today!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way for back or neck pain relief, Southeastern’s team of experienced chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Chiropractic Care for Herniated Disks in the Lower Back: The Latest Research

back pain chiropractorOne of the most common causes of lower back pain occurs when the spinal disks in the lumbar area become herniated. A herniated disk happens when the bone of the disk itself has crumbled or fractured and the soft inner core bulges out through the outer portion of the disk. This places pressure on the spinal nerve root that runs through the disks, and the result can be pain in the lower back as well as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs and buttocks. Medical doctors tend to treat acutely herniated disks with oral steroids and epidural injections of cortisone, both of which have limited success rates and adverse side effects.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Recently, however, a major study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics has found that both chronic and acute herniated disks can be effectively treated by chiropractic adjustments. This year-long study followed 148 patients whose lumbar disk herniation had been confirmed by MRI scans. All patients suffered from back pain, sciatica, and radiating leg symptoms, and 79 of them had experienced these symptoms without noticeable relief for over three months.

The patients in the study were treated with chiropractic adjustments appropriate for their individual cases, characterized by the researchers as “high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation.”  Throughout the study, the patients were examined by doctors at two weeks, one month, three months, six months, and one year. They were also asked to self-assess the success of the treatments at those points, rating their condition on a scale of “much worse, worse, slightly worse, no change, slightly better, better, and much better.”

Results of Chiropractic Care

The results were surprising, especially because the typical clinical expectation is that only 36% of lumbar herniated disk patients will show improvement after two weeks of treatment. However, among the patients who received chiropractic adjustments in this study, 69% reported significant improvement in both mobility and pain reduction after only two weeks. At one month, that number increased, with 79.6% reporting conditions of better or much better. At three months, 90.5% had reported significant improvements. Interestingly, the chiropractic care in the study ended at the three-month mark, but assessments at the six-month and 12-month points found that 88% reported that their condition was still improved.

The authors of the study reported no adverse side-effects and concluded that a large percentage of patients with acute and chronic lumbar disk herniation could be improved by chiropractic care. This likely comes as no surprise to the many chiropractors who have been treating herniated disks and the resulting lower back pain for years—or to their patients who have benefited from that care—but it is heartening to see scientific research catching up to what we’ve known all along: A drug- and surgery-free approach that treats the whole patient and helps their bodies to heal themselves is superior to masking the symptoms with painkillers or relying on dangerous steroids or epidural injections.

So if you have been diagnosed as suffering from one or more herniated disks, see your chiropractor. You have only your chronic pain to lose, and so much to gain.

Southeastern’s Chiropractor Wilmington NC Can Help You Stay Healthy This Winter

This winter, keep your spine in alignment and enjoy better health and less pain. Routine chiropractic treatments can be your most important ally in your fight to avoid morning stiffness and pain.

Call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with our experienced and caring chiropractor Wilmington NC. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

There Might Be a Good Reason You Hate Exercise… Now What?

back pain relief

You can stop beating yourself up over the fact that you’re not motivated for a heavy workout at the gym. Scientists have found physical reasons why some people thrive on exercise and some consider it a form of torture. Everyone’s body chemistry is different, and our particular body chemistry and biological functions can determine if exercise is a pleasure or a chore.

A study performed by researchers at Iowa State University found that people have very different levels of physical capacity for exercise. Some people who are mostly sedentary will reach their physical capacity from doing something as minor as cooking a meal. Even taking a walk would be more than they could manage.

Our physical capacity for exercise is based on what is called the “ventilatory threshold.” In most people, when at rest, the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled is equivalent to the amount of oxygen taken in. When we exercise, we pass the ventilatory threshold and begin to expel more carbon dioxide than the oxygen we receive. This causes the muscles to begin to build up lactic acid and the body to create a stress response. For most people, the ventilatory threshold appears when they are at about 50% to 60% of their maximum exercise capacity. For sedentary people, this can be as low as 35%.

People’s mental attitude toward exertion makes a difference as well. Some people enjoy the feeling of pushing their muscles to the limit and sweating, whereas others just find it unpleasant.

So if you are someone who generally hates to exercise, what can you do to help become more motivated? First of all, start slowly, particularly if you have been sedentary for a while. Pushing yourself at the beginning of an exercise regime will only make you feel bad and will discourage you from exercising in the future. Start with a gentle form of exercise that takes weight off your feet, such as water aerobics or bicycling.

Consider taking up a social form of exercise. This can involve joining a class or even just enlisting a friend to walk with you for half an hour each day. Having the support of others can help with motivation.

Media can be a good motivator as well. Watching a TV program while on the treadmill or listening to stimulating music on your MP3 player has been shown to help people push themselves harder when they are exercising.

Finally, engage in a physical activity that you feel competent doing. Many currently fit people were picked last for team sports when they were younger. But sometime between then and now, they either tried again or tried something new and found they were good at it. If team sports are not your thing, try dancing or some other activity that gets you moving.

Any amount of exercise is good, so don’t feel that you have to live up to someone else’s expectations of how athletic you should be. If you enjoy whatever it is you’re doing, you will be far more motivated to continue doing it.

Looking for Back Pain Relief? Call Southeastern Today!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way for back pain relief, Southeastern’s team of experienced chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Automobile Head Restraints Prevent Injuries – Use Them Correctly!

auto accident injury wilmington ncMany people are under the mistaken impression that the head-sized extension at the top of your car’s seat is a head rest. It’s actually not a place to rest your weary head during a long drive, but rather a safety feature called a head restraint that is there to help prevent whiplash in the event of a rear-end collision. And having it adjusted properly can mean the difference between emerging unscathed and enduring weeks of neck pain, along with the cost and inconvenience of medical treatment.


Whiplash is the most common type of injury in an auto accident. The Insurance Bureau of Canada has conducted studies showing that the proper use of head restraints can reduce the incidence of whiplash by as much as 40%. Russ Rader of the U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) explains what happens when you are involved in a rear end collision: “The head restraint is designed to work with your vehicle’s seat; it keeps your body and head moving together. The problem comes in if your head lags behind your body and snaps backward. That’s what leads to neck injury, or what’s commonly known as whiplash. Modern head restraints are designed to prevent whiplash, and that’s why they’re so much taller than they used to be.”

Uncomfortable Head Restraints

One problem is that some people find the newest head restraint designs to be uncomfortable. Some of the common complaints from users at include this one from the owner of a Volkswagen Jetta: “The front headrest points so forward that I get neck pain after just a few miles of driving.” Then there’s this one from a Subaru owner: “Unless you enjoy your face aiming toward your crotch, you may not be able to find a comfortable position for the headrest or your head.”

Head Restraint Guidelines

One of the reasons for the above complaints is that, in order to get good reviews from the IIHS (many people check the IIHS’s ratings for vehicles before they purchase a car) and comply with the regulations established by the Federal Government for head restraints, auto manufacturers must provide head restraints that meet specific criteria. In particular, the head restraint must be no more than 2.2 inches from the driver’s head and it must be two or more inches higher than was previously required.

A head restraint can prevent whiplash only if it is as close to your head as possible when a collision happens. When hit from behind, your head snaps quickly backward, then forward, which causes the muscles and tendons in the neck to overstretch and tear. If the head can’t snap back very far, there is much less chance of an injury occurring.

Most head restraints adjust upward and downward, and some also tilt forward and back. The best position for a head restraint is one in which the head is as close to it as possible, ensuring it is no more than two inches away. The top of the head restraint should ideally be even with the top of your head and should never be any lower than your ears.

Taking just a little time and effort to position your head restraint correctly can save you a lot of pain and suffering if you are ever in an auto accident. Your health and safety are worth it!

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for an Auto Accident Injury Wilmington NC

If you have an auto accident injury Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy: A Great Combination!

Chiropractic physicians are experts in diagnosing and treating disorders that affect the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They are specially trained to identify and correct structural misalignment and imbalances in the back, neck and joints that can cause a variety of health problems. The techniques that chiropractors use to accomplish this are typically referred to as adjustments, manipulation or mobilization.

Depending on the situation, it may also be necessary or useful for patients to receive therapeutic massage—either before or after a chiropractic adjustment—as part of a well-designed treatment plan. This is because the body’s bones are surrounded by soft tissues—muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage—that can contribute to pain and loss of function and that can also make chiropractic adjustments more difficult and less effective under some circumstances. Massage therapy can often be helpful in accelerating the body’s healing processes and in relaxing tight muscles.

Chiropractors and Massage Therapists

In the simplest terms, chiropractors work with bones and massage therapists work with soft tissues. But as treatment modalities, they are compatible and complementary. This combination of treatments often produces a more comfortable patient experience as well as superior results.

Massage is often recommended as a preparation for a chiropractic adjustment because it relieves the muscle tension that may be pulling joints out of alignment and makes it easier to move them back into place. Massage is also relaxing, and a relaxed body is easier for the chiropractor to work with.

In addition, as the chiropractor corrects the structural problems that are causing pain or limiting your mobility, massage can complement the healing process by stretching and relaxing muscles that have been aggravated by these structural problems, making it easier for you to stretch and exercise, and thus more quickly achieve a state of normal well-being.

How to Find the Best Solution

Many chiropractors work hand-in-hand with massage therapists because their treatment modalities are so complementary. Patients who are working with massage therapists to address soft tissue problems but find that their symptoms persist are frequently referred to chiropractic physicians for further diagnosis and treatment.

At the same time, chiropractic patients usually find that their treatment proceeds faster and with less discomfort when the soft tissue has been relaxed with massage. Recovery—especially from musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain and limit mobility—is normally faster and more complete when the underlying causes are addressed holistically, with the chiropractor working to resolve the structural problems and the massage therapist working to resolve the soft tissue problems. Chiropractors and massage therapists who work together collaborate to find the proper combination of chiropractic adjustments and massage to achieve your health and wellness goals as quickly as possible.

Chiropractic and massage therapy are holistic treatment modalities that share a common goal of treating the whole body, helping you to achieve a state of optimal health and well-being without resorting to drugs or surgery. Both focus on trying to resolve the underlying cause of your pain or discomfort rather than simply treating isolated symptoms. Used together, they can be a powerful combination!

Contact Southeastern Healthcare Today!

If you or someone you care about is suffering from musculoskeletal problems, we encourage you to call or visit our office today. We’re always happy to discuss our overall approach as well as the treatment options we provide.

chiropractor wilmington nc

10 Benefits of Chiropractor Treatments

Chiropractic care has been proven to provide patients suffering from a wide range of ailments and musculoskeletal conditions relief from pain, better range of motion, and a better quality of life. Yet, so many people who can benefit from chiropractic treatments never think to be seen by a chiropractor Wilmington NC. Southeastern Healthcare has experienced chiropractors that can help you live a more comfortable life.

If you’re still unsure about what benefits a chiropractor can provide you with, then here are ten of the most common ways chiropractic treatments help our patients.

Neck and Low Back Pain

Neck and low back pain are among the most common reasons why people undergo chiropractic treatments. These patients see chiropractors because the treatments not only work, they also cost about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy. The results are clinically proven. In a study published by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, it was found that patients suffering from chronic low-back pain showed greater improvement and satisfaction after one month of chiropractic treatments than patients who were treated by family physicians over that same time period.

Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is a very painful condition caused by nerves being pinched in the lower back. And, it is another one of the top reasons why people seek out chiropractic care. In a recent clinical study, the European Spine Journal determined that chiropractic adjustments delivered a 72 percent success rate in treating sciatica and its associated symptoms compared to just a 20 percent success rate from physical therapy.

 Neurological Conditions

For so many patients suffering from neurological conditions, help is random at best. But, recent studies indicate that upper cervical spine adjustments can have beneficial effects on various brain-based conditions. After receiving adjustments, patient MRI scans show that cerebral spinal fluid and blood flow are substantially increased while cerebellar invagination and brain plaquing (common in multiple sclerosis patients) is actually being reversed!

Migraine Headaches

Migraine sufferers account for the second largest patient group for chiropractors and it’s not hard to see why. In a recent group trial, it was determined that 22 percent of migraine sufferers saw their number of headaches drop by 90 percent after receiving chiropractic treatments and nearly half said their headaches, when they did have them, were significantly less painful.

Ear Infections and Colic

In 2012, the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics published a study in which it was found that chiropractic care can help reduce the severity colic symptoms and ear infections in children. In fact, many children experienced a complete to near complete resolution after just a few treatment sessions.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is another name for adhesive capsulitis, a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in one’s shoulder joint. It is a condition that most commonly affects women who are recovering from a medical condition or procedure that prevents the patient from moving her arm, most often a stroke or mastectomy. In a recent clinical trial consisting of 50 patients, 16 recovered fully, 25 experienced a 75 to 90 percent improvement, and 8 showed 50 to 75 percent improvement. Only one patient experienced less than 50 percent improvement.


George Bakris is considered the world’s expert on hypertension, and in 2007, he published a study in the Human Journal of Hypertension that showed that just one chiropractic adjustment of the upper cervical spine delivered the same effect as two blood pressure-lowering drugs. But, the key difference was the effects of the one adjustment lasted more than six months.

Surgery Prevention

Chiropractic care has been used around the globe for centuries as a natural means of preventing surgeries on the back. The Journal of the American Medical Association even advises doctors who treat people suffering from back pain to have their patients first try chiropractic treatments before resorting to back surgery.


Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve. It occurs most often during a child’s growth spurt right before they reach puberty. According to Dr. Dennis Woggon of the Clear Institute, specific chiropractic adjustments coupled with muscular rehabilitation techniques can be beneficial in preventing the progression of this condition. The Clear Institute’s treatments have made it is possible for many patients to avoid restrictive braces or dangerous surgeries.

Improves Athletic Performance

So many professional athletes make chiropractic care a regular part of their health and wellness routines because it provides them with a wide range of athletic performance improving benefits. Studies have proven that chiropractic treatments can help boost the immune system, relieves muscle tension, enhances mental clarity, improves flexibility, improves pulmonary function, increases overall energy, and decreases mental and physical stresses.

Need a Chiropractor Wilmington NC? Call Southeastern Healthcare Today

If you are suffering from pain and you’ve never been to a chiropractor Wilmington NC, then you should talk to your doctor to see if a chiropractor might be able to provide you with some relief. Or, just call Southeastern Healthcare and we’ll schedule you an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractors. Don’t let your pain get the better of you. Relief is possible without the use of addictive medications and risky surgeries.

Call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractor Wilmington NC. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

neck pain chiropractor

7 Common Causes of Neck Pain

In a recent survey conducted by National Institute of Health Statistics, researchers asked respondents about the four most common types of pain and neck pain came in second only to low back pain. But, while low back pain often gets all of the press in terms of spine-related injuries and disability cases, neck pain can be just as burdensome and it can have as great a negative effect on one’s quality of life as any other type of chronic pain.

One of the biggest problems with neck pain is that the root cause of it isn’t always clear. From how you work to your choice in pillow, there are a variety of everyday factors that can accentuate one’s pain and this makes determining the cause even more difficult.

If you have neck pain, a neck pain chiropractor can help you sort out the issue and reduce your pain in many cases after just a few sessions. And, they can help you uncover the real reason behind your pain. To help you get started, here are seven of the most common causes of neck pain.

Correctable Causes of Neck Pain

  • Bad Posture: Many people underestimate just how important a good posture is to maintaining one’s health. If you don’t pay attention to your posture and you tend to slouch a lot throughout the day, you are putting stress on the muscles in your neck and shoulders. The resulting strain causes intense pain that worsens throughout the day.
  • Poorly Positioned Computer Monitor: We use them at work and we use them at home. Computers are definitely part of our everyday lives. But, if your computer’s monitor isn’t positioned properly, you will start to develop chronic neck pain. Ideally, your computer monitor should be positioned at eye level to reduce strain on your neck muscles.
  • Unsupportive Pillow: If your pillow is old and the padding inside has lost its supportive nature, then sleeping on that flat pillow will cause your neck to extend at odd angles, resulting in a stiff neck upon waking. But, just as bad is a pillow that’s overstuffed because it causes the exact same effect. The best pillow is one that gently cradles the head while keeping the cervical spine as straight as possible.

Medical Causes of Neck Pain

  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the deterioration of cartilage in the joints and this can occur anywhere in the body, even the cervical region of the spine. When someone has osteoarthritis in the cervical spine, they will usually have pain in the neck in the morning, at night, on cold days, and often, right before a rainstorm.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Degenerative disc disease is an age-related condition that involves the wearing down of the discs in the spine. When this occurs in the cervical region, it can result in pain in the neck that comes and goes.
  • Herniated Cervical Disc: A herniated disc in the cervical region of the neck can put pressure on nerves, thus causing intense pain.
  • Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a breakdown of the discs and the joint facets in the spine. As the spine compresses, it places a lot of pressure on the nerves to the point that it causes intense pain and in some cases of cervical spinal stenosis, even numbness, shooting pains, or electrical-like shocks in one or both arms.

Southeastern’s Neck Pain Chiropractor in Wilmington NC Can Help

At Southeastern Healthcare, our chiropractors help patients suffering from neck pain find the relief that has eluded them for so long. Most causes of neck pain are treatable and we can help. Schedule an appointment with a neck pain chiropractor today and we’ll provide you with a complete physical assessment and a customized plan of care that will have you feeling better and healthier.

Call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-202-4341 to schedule an appointment with a neck pain chiropractor. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.