chiropractor wilmington nc

The Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Low back and neck pain are the two most common reasons why people seek the help of chiropractors. But, while pain relief might be first and foremost on their minds, few cannot help but be surprised at some of the extra, unexpected benefits they enjoy from targeted spinal manipulations. If you’re thinking about visiting a Wilmington NC back pain specialist at Southeastern chiropractic for back pain, neck pain, extremity pain or numbness, or for any other reason, here are four surprising “side effects” you can enjoy from regular chiropractic treatments.

A Healthier Heart

In a recent study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, researchers discovered that people who go to the chiropractor enjoy a lower heart rate as a result of an adjustment. And, the benefits are immediate, with the very first treatment. This is exciting news for people who have struggled with both musculoskeletal pain and heart-related issues because by treating the pain at its source, there’s a greater chance that their heart issues can be dramatically improved without costly medications or risky surgeries.

A Healthier Gutwilmington nc back pain

When your digestive system is working right, the rest of your body usually follows suit. But, if you suffer from irritable bowel or some other digestive issue, it can throw your health out of whack. The good news is that recent chiropractic research has revealed that spinal manipulation of the middle and lower back can effectively relieve the pressure being placed on the nerves that are responsible for making sure your digestive organs function properly. As a result, chiropractic care can often result in the patient experiencing fewer digestive problems.

Improved Balance

The older we get, the more important it is for us to maintain, or strengthen, our ability to balance. There are several exercises and balance-based activities you can do to help strengthen your leg muscles and your core, but research has also showed that chiropractic care can also provide benefits to one’s balance. Specifically, chiropractic care helps alleviate the pain and/or dizziness that can be caused by compressed nerves in the neck so you can walk straighter and with greater clarity and confidence.

Improved Reproductive Health

If you have been trying to get pregnant but have thus far been unsuccessful, then the problem could be with the function of your nervous system. And, because chiropractic care’s predominant focus is on enhancing the body’s nervous system, it can be highly effective at helping improve fertility. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association even recommends chiropractic care to women with diminished fertility issues. And, treatment shouldn’t stop once you do get pregnant because chiropractic care can provide a host of other benefits to expectant mothers, like reducing nausea symptoms, relieving back and neck pain, reducing the duration of labor and delivery, and reducing the chances of a potential cesarean delivery.

Looking for a Wilmington NC Back Pain Chiropractor? Call Southeastern Today!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way to manage your back pain, Southeastern’s team of experienced chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Car Accidents and Delayed Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Even if your recent fender bender didn’t seem too serious, there’s still a very real chance that you or your passengers may have been hurt. That’s because even the most minor car accidents can cause hidden injuries and delayed symptoms. And while damage to your car is likely obvious and easy to assess, evaluating damage to your body may be far more difficult. In fact, it’s not unusual for a driver or passenger to walk away from a collision with potentially serious musculoskeletal injuries (such as a concussion or whiplash), without knowing it.

Because of the stress response, right after an accident the body’s defenses are on high alert. Any pain may be masked by endorphins produced by the body during and shortly after this kind of traumatic event. Endorphins help the body manage pain and stress and can create a temporary euphoria or “high” feeling. When the threat of the accident is gone, endorphin production slowly disappears, allowing you to feel pain that may have remained hidden earlier.


Perhaps the most common delayed symptom is that of whiplash. Whiplash consists of soft tissue damage in the neck from the sudden acceleration and deceleration of the head, creating hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck. This can not only cause damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your neck, it can also occasionally fracture or dislocate vertebrae and cause any of the following symptoms to show up later:

  • Headaches
  • Reduced range of motion or difficulty moving
  • Slowed reflexes
  • Vertigo
  • Muscle spasms
  • Localized weakness or numbness
  • Stiffness in shoulders and arms

Other Common Injuries

Every bit as serious as any broken bones or lacerations, a concussion can prove to be a grave threat to your health. Quite simply, a concussion is the result of the brain colliding with the inside of the skull from a rapid acceleration or deceleration. Not all concussions occur because of bumping the head. If the head is restrained in any way and the restraint suddenly stops or suddenly jerks into motion, a concussion may occur. Symptoms of concussion include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Bad temper
  • Nausea
  • Spasms
  • Loss of balance
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion
  • Amnesia
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty concentrating or reasoning
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Tiredness, sleeplessness, or other problems with your ability to sleep

When Did the Symptoms Begin?

The key point with any of these symptoms is to know whether or not you had them before the accident. Someone who knows you or lives with you can help identify any changes in your behavior that may indicate a possible concussion. If you didn’t have a symptom that you’re now experiencing, see your doctor right away.

What Will Insurance Cover?

In addition to the health consequences of car accidents with delayed symptoms, there is also the insurance aspect to consider. Because many accident-related injuries don’t show up immediately, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for the medical expenses from any delayed symptoms if you settle with your insurance company right away. Therefore, consider waiting a few days before signing any release of liability so that any delayed symptoms have an opportunity to reveal themselves.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Your Auto Accident Injury

Seeing a chiropractor for a medical evaluation as soon as possible after an accident is also a good idea, since he or she can help identify injuries and start treatment promptly. In many cases, seeking appropriate medical care soon after an accident can improve your chances of a more complete and more rapid recovery. If you have an auto accident injury Wilmington NC, contact Southeastern Healthcare today! Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see how we can help solve your pain.

iPosture? Are Phones/Tablet Computers Causing Neck and Shoulder Pain?

neck pain reliefWhether you’re an Apple fan, an Android lover or a hardcore Microsoft user, there’s no denying the popularity of tablet computers. The numbers speak for themselves—technology market analysts estimate that over 200 million of them are sold in the US each year. Even if you don’t follow the latest tech trends, you know that mobile devices—principally phones and tablets—are a regular feature around town. From coffee shops and supermarkets to airports and train platforms, they seem to be everywhere. Plus a growing number of businesses are beginning to equip their sales and service staff as well as their executive teams with them. They’re even finding their way into hospitals and doctor’s offices!

But while tablets certainly have their benefits, new research suggests that they also have their drawbacks when it comes to musculoskeletal health. It has already been shown that frequent texting on your mobile phone can cause problems with neck pain (the so-called “text neck” epidemic), but those who use their tablet for everything from work-related applications to just surfing the internet and watching full-length movies may be in for even more pain. The anecdotal evidence is already starting to show up in the waiting rooms of chiropractic offices around the country, and researchers at leading universities are beginning to seriously study the ergonomics and health risks of tablet use.

The results of a study published in Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation found that the use of tablet computers was associated with greater head and neck flexion than traditional desktop computers and that placing the tablet higher on a table and using a case to put the tablet at a more optimal angle could help prevent neck and shoulder problems.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Microsoft Corporation studied 15 volunteers who were regular users of tablet computers. The subjects performed simulated tasks on an Apple iPad2 and a Motorola Xoom, during which the posture of the head and neck, the subjects’ gaze angle and gaze distance were measured by a three-dimensional infrared motion analysis system. They surfed the internet, wrote e-mails, watched movies and played video games.

Each tablet came with its own proprietary case that enabled users to set the tablet at different angles. The Apple case allowed for 15° and 73° tilt angles, while the Motorola case allowed angles of 45° and 63°. Greater flexion of the neck was found with the iPad2 when used in its case. Not surprisingly, tablets set at the least perpendicular angle caused greater neck and head flexion than when the subjects used a desktop or laptop computer. Head and neck posture only began to approach a neutral position when the tablets were set in their cases at the Table-Movie angle at which they were closest to perpendicular.

The researchers recommended that tablet users place the devices on a table and at the steepest viewing angle possible to avoid neck and shoulder pain. However, they cautioned that this configuration might cause problems for the arms and wrists, which in this configuration are not optimally placed for input. This of course can lead to its own set of musculoskeletal problems in the extremities. So the simple fact of the matter is that tablet ergonomics involve some tough compromises or trade offs for users. A position that’s ideal for viewing is troublesome for typing and gestures and vice-versa.

For many people, tablet computers have become an indispensable part of work and home life (for better or for worse). If you’re one of these people and can’t conceive of either giving up your iPad or reducing the number of hours you spend using it, then it’s very important to develop good ergonomic habits that minimize musculoskeletal stress and have the smallest impact on your posture. You should also consider seeing your chiropractor on a regular basis. Chiropractic care has been shown to be more effective in treating neck and shoulder pain than using pain medication. A chiropractic adjustment can realign neck vertebrae and take the pressure off compressed nerves, bringing relief in a gentle, natural manner and allowing you to use your tablet more comfortably. In addition to addressing the problems you already have, your chiropractor will also be able to offer specific ergonomic advice to help prevent them from recurring or becoming chronic.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for Neck Pain Relief!

We’re here to help! Whether you have specific concerns about a musculoskeletal problem or more general health and wellness questions, we encourage you to call or visit our office today!

What is “Radiating Pain” and How Can Chiropractic Help?

back pain chiropractorIf you have ever had a case of sciatica, in which pain seems to start in your lower back or hip and radiate down your leg to your foot, you have suffered an example of what is referred to as “radiating pain.” The medical term for pain the starts in one area and travels to another is radiculitis, and although it is not the most common form of nerve pain, it causes a lot of misery for those who suffer from it.

What is Radiating Pain?

True radiating pain is usually the result of a nerve or nerve root in the spinal cord being subject to pressure of some sort, whether through inflammation, injury or spinal subluxation. For example, a herniated disk may create radiating pain because it has bulged out of its normal place and may impinge on a nerve root extending from the spinal cord.

The nerves that run the length of the spinal cord from neck to tailbone and branch out to the left and right are called the radicular nerves. When these are injured or compressed they are more likely to radiate pain than the other types of nerves in our body. If there is a neck injury, for example, pain may radiate down the arm to the fingertips. The pain of something like tendonitis, however, is from pressure on the nerves in the elbow and forearm and does not generally radiate. Some people think they have radiating pain, but the pain is instead often just due to myofascial trigger points that cause a more diffuse pain that seems to radiate out from one area. This is caused by tense muscles and scar tissue that has built up trapping nerves in the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Why Use a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

Chiropractors are expert at treating radiating pain. Your chiropractor will first take a thorough history, examine you, and may order diagnostic tests such as an x-ray or an MRI to determine if your problem may be due to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or another condition that is not apparent from a physical examination.

A chiropractic adjustment can address any spinal misalignments that may be impinging on spinal nerves, taking the pressure off the nerve and reducing pain. In addition, many chiropractors utilize additional therapies that can free trapped nerves, such as the Active Release Technique (ART). A chiropractic ART therapist will be able to break up the fibrous adhesions and scar tissue that has built up in the soft tissue, freeing trapped nerves.

Contact Southeastern Healthcare for a Back Pain Chiropractor!

If you’re looking for a proven, non-invasive way for back pain relief, Southeastern’s team of experienced back pain chiropractors can help. We treat patients like you every single day. All it takes is one visit to discover for yourself the benefits of chiropractic care.

Stop living in pain; call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and caring Wilmington NC back pain chiropractor. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

wilmington nc chiropractor

Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

A woman’s body undergoes an incredible array of changes, both physically and physiologically, when she becomes pregnant. And, as a pregnancy progresses, so do these changes. This is because throughout the entire process, a woman’s body is constantly adjusting to the needs of the growing fetus inside of her. But, as effective as nature is in helping a woman accommodate her growing child, sometimes, additional help is needed. In such cases, a Wilmington NC chiropractor can provide the holistic, drug-free care a mom needs to enjoy optimum health and freedom from pain during the pregnancy’s progression.

The Key to Mom’s Health is the Spinal Column

Regardless of whether you’re pregnant or not, the key to good health always lies in the spinal column. This is because the body’s nervous system is routed through it. In order for the body to work as it is intended, energy needs to be able to transmit through the network of nerves in the brain, through the spinal column, where it is then broadcasted to the rest of the body.

If the nerves are compromised to the point that the transmission of energy is obstructed in some way, then pressure will build in the restricted nerve. This will result in a range of potential problems including severe back pain, a loss of appetite, nausea, hip or pelvic pain, and even kidney problems. Energy must flow freely from the brain and through the spinal column in order for someone to be as healthy as possible.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Pregnancy

Quality chiropractic care should be administered whenever a pregnancy is discovered. Regular spinal adjustments will help the body adapt to the increased demands being place upon it as a result of the pregnancy. Without spinal adjustments, there’s an increased risk that nerves can become restricted as the body changes. A chiropractor will be able to identify the interference and provide the appropriate care to restore you back to good health.

Chiropractors aren’t only instrumental in helping a pregnant woman live with less pain and discomfort, they can also help improve a variety of other prenatal problems. For instance, seeking regular care from a chiropractor can provide effective relief from:

  • Lower back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Leg pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Morning sickness
  • Anxiety

Perhaps most importantly, undergoing regular chiropractic treatments may reduce the severity of labor pains. It has even been linked to helping increase the potential for uncomplicated deliveries and promoting faster post-natal healing and recovery.

If You’re Pregnant, Get the Relief You Need from a Wilmington NC Chiropractor

Pregnancy is a miracle, but before you get to experience the magic of childbirth, you’re going to have to endure nine months’ worth of physical and psychological changes. And, as rewarding as the process is, there will be times of discomfort and even pain. But, with the right care, that pain can be kept to a minimum.

If you’re pregnant and you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, schedule an appointment with a Wilmington NC chiropractor. At Southeastern Healthcare, our experienced chiropractors can provide the treatments you need to enjoy a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy.

Call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

back pain wilmington nc

Top Back Pain Myths

Millions of people suffer from back pain. In fact, so many people suffer from mild to chronic back pain that collectively they make up one of the largest patient populations in modern healthcare. But, the problem with back pain is that it is different for everybody. One person may be able to find relief after just a few treatments while another might take several years to get an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan. As a result, there are several common myths surrounding back pain that can truly impact one’s mentality regarding their pain. Here are some of the most common myths about back pain and how Southeastern Healthcare can provide you with effective relief for your back pain Wilmington NC.

Myth: Back Pain Worsens With Age

Truth: All too often, younger people with back pain start worrying that they’ll be in a wheelchair by the time they retire because they are under the belief that back pain worsens with age. The truth is, in most cases, it doesn’t. Today, the largest population of back pain sufferers is aged between 30 and 50 years old. Once these patients are able to manage their pain and maintain their ability to move and function normally, their back pain will most likely subside over time.

Myth: Back Pain Eventually Leads to Paralysis

Truth: So many myths about back pain are driven by fear. Worrying that the pain will eventually lead to paralysis is one of the most common. The truth is that most back pain problems reside in the lower back (lumbar region) and no part of the spine resides here. The spinal cord actually ends in the lower part of the thoracic spine. So, even serious conditions like a substantial disc herniation in this area is very unlikely to result in paralysis.

Myth: My Back Pain Will Always Be There, I Just Have to Deal With It

Truth: Pain in the neck and back can be extremely hard to deal with on a day to day basis. It can impact everything you do and if it isn’t treated, it can get worse. Over time, it can even play a role in the development of other health problems. But, treatments are available for all degrees of back and neck pain and they can help alleviate your pain and help you return to a more comfortable way of life. Don’t convince yourself that you’re out of options; a chiropractor may be the solution you need to find the relief you’re looking for.

Myth: I Have to Be Careful How I Move or I Could Make My Problem Worse

Truth: A high number of people with back pain tend to think that overprotecting their back is the right thing to do to help avoid further injury, but the truth is this can do more harm than good. By avoiding stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning exercises, their backs will become more rigid and the muscles surrounding their injury will weaken and this will lead to increased pain. The more sedentary the lifestyle, the less strength and flexibility the back will have.

Find Relief From Back Pain  Wilmington NC with a Southeastern Healthcare Chiropractor

There are many, many reasons why you might be suffering from back pain. And, not all of them are serious. If you want to start on the journey to a pain-free lifestyle, then you should pay a visit to one of Southeastern Healthcare’s experienced chiropractors. We can perform a thorough evaluation of your neck and back and provide you with a treatment plan that works.

Don’t get tricked into believing the myths. Relief from back pain Wilmington NC is available. Call Southeastern Healthcare today to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

neck pain wilmington nc

When to See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain Wilmington NC

Almost every American adult experiences neck pain at some point in his or her life. For some, the pain might more of a nuisance type of pain due to a stiff neck caused by a long stressful day of work or from a bad night’s sleep. But, for others, neck pain can be so severe that it can become debilitating to the point that it affects their quality of life. Luckily, most causes of neck pain can be treated by an experienced chiropractor. If you’re unsure whether or not a chiropractor can help relieve your neck pain Wilmington NC, here are seven signs that you should see a chiropractor.

#1: Your Neck Pain Doesn’t Improve After a Few Days

Pain that’s caused by the typical stiff neck is usually the result of constricted muscles. In most cases, the muscles will gradually relax and in a day or two, the pain will subside. If your neck pain hasn’t improved over a few days, then you should schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.

#2: Looking Left or Right Causes Severe Neck Pain

If you experience sharp pain in your neck whenever you turn your head left or right, then you might be suffering from something more severe than tight muscles. An experienced chiropractor can perform a thorough evaluation of your neck and spine and treat you for any conditions that may be causing the pain, without surgery or medications.

#3: You Have to Take Over-the-Counter Pain Medications to Make It Through the Day

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications are not meant to be long-term solutions. In fact, when taken over long periods of time, they can actually do more harm than good. Any time you have persistent neck pain, OTC pain meds should only be used for temporary pain relief. For more effective, long term pain relief, you should have a chiropractor evaluate and treat the real cause of the pain.

#4: The Pain Has You Worried That There Might Be Something More Serious Wrong

You know your body better than anyone, so if you feel that the pain you’re experiencing in your neck isn’t “normal,” then you need to seek the right type of medical care and support. A chiropractor can help determine the cause of your pain and help you get the relief you’re looking for.

#5: The Pain Started a Few Days After an Accident

When you’re involved in an accident, your adrenaline kicks in. This is a natural process in the body that helps mask the pain you might otherwise be feeling. But, once the adrenaline starts to wane, the pain gradually returns. This is why so many people involved in accidents don’t feel whiplash until several days after the event. If you were involved in an accident and you’re starting to feel pain in your neck, you should see a chiropractor immediately.

#6: Your Neck Pain is Accompanied by Numbness in Your Hands or Wrists

If the pain started in your neck, but it has since started to be accompanied by tingling or numbness in your hands or wrists, then you may be suffering from a pinched nerve in the neck area. This type of condition can sometimes be caused by a spine that is out of alignment.

#7: Your Neck Pain is Bad in the Morning But Improves Throughout the Day

If you wake up with a very sore neck, but the pain improves throughout the day, then your sleeping position or pillow might be responsible. Seeing a chiropractor can help ensure that all of your daily habits, including sleeping, are conducive to a pain-free lifestyle.

Are You Looking for a Chiropractor for Neck Pain Wilmington NC? Call Southeastern Today!

Neck pain can make it hard to enjoy the simple things in life. It takes the enjoyment out of driving, surfing the web, reading, and a host of other daily activities. Thankfully, with the appropriate care, your neck pain can be substantially reduced or even eliminated.

If you’re suffering from severe neck pain Wilmington NC, call Southeastern Healthcare today at 910-790-3666 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. We are here for you. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Chiropractic Care Reduces Golf Injuries and Improves Player Performance


With warmer weather on the way, more and more golfers will be heading out to the greens to play the game they love so dearly. But, golf is a game that can take a toll on the player. Every year, our chiropractor in Wilmington treats hundreds of golfers with strained joints, lower back pain, sore muscles, and other problems.

The thing is – many of these injuries could have been avoided had they visited the chiropractor before the injury was sustained. According to a recent study performed by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), chiropractic expertise can not only help you avoid golf injuries; it can actually improve your game.

Increase Your Drive by 10% With Chiropractic Care

In the Titleist Performance Institute study, it was discovered that using a combination of pre-play stretching along with chiropractic care enabled golfers to increase their drive distance by nearly 10%. But, this is not exactly news to some of the world’s top golfers. Both Tiger Woods and Padraig Harrington have been practicing these techniques for years.

Chiropractic care is directly related to improving one’s golf game because chiropractors can actually help golfers identify and correct physical limitations that may be adversely affecting their swings. In TPI’s study, two groups of golfers were compared: one group that practiced only stretching exercises, and the other practicing stretching exercises along with chiropractic spinal adjustments. Both groups performed three full swing maneuvers before and after each treatment, and the driving distances they achieved were recorded. After four weeks, the group that did only stretching exercises showed no improvement in swing performance. But, it was discovered that the group that stretched and received chiropractic care was able to achieve greater driving distances after each treatment.

About the Titleist Performance Institute

The Titleist Performance Institute is sponsored by one of the golfing world’s most prominent and respected manufacturers of golf equipment and apparel. Since it was founded in 2003, the Institute has focused on studying how the human body functions in relation to golf. As such, it has determined that chiropractors have a unique perspective and treatment expertise that can help golfers maximize performance and avoid injury. This is due to the fact that chiropractors, more than most other healthcare practitioners, have a thorough understanding of human biomechanics and the musculoskeletal system. Currently, there are over 9,000 TPI-certified chiropractors in 57 countries.

If You’re a Golfer, Let Southeastern Chiropractor Wilmington Help You Improve Your Game

At Southeastern Chiropractic, we can help you improve your golf game with targeted treatments designed to help make you stronger and more flexible. Our expert chiropractic care will also help you recover faster while reducing pain and stiffness. If you want to take your golf game to the next level, call us today at 910-790-3666. We are here for you. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractic care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.

Knee Care 101

By some measures, your knees are your body’s largest joints, but they are also the ones most likely to be injured. More than 11 million men and women over the age of forty visit doctors every year due to knee pain. Taking care of your knees helps to make sure these vital joints continue to work smoothly and comfortably so that you can continue to live an active lifestyle.

5 Steps to Healthier Knees

Step 1: Stay Active, but Don’t Overdo It. If you don’t put in the time and effort it takes to keep your knees moving, they can start to stiffen, leading to discomfort and increasing your risk of injury. At the same time, dramatically increasing your levels of activity (particularly if you haven’t been physically active for a while) can cause injuries from repetitive strain. If you have never followed an exercise routine, ease into this type of activity slowly. If you work out hard on a regular basis, make sure to include rest days to give your knees a break.

Step 2: Manage Your Weight. Every extra pound you carry puts additional pressure on your knees. A study conducted by Stephen P. Messier of Wake Forest University found that losing even a small amount of weight can significantly decrease your risk of arthritis in the knees. If knee pain makes it difficult for you to lose weight through exercise, try using a stationary bike or elliptical machine to reduce the impact on your joints.

Step 3: Build Muscle Around Your Knees. The muscles that surround and support your knees also help to absorb shock. Strengthening your hamstrings and your quadriceps will help give your knees the backup they need. Talk to your chiropractor or a personal trainer for ideas on the best ways to strengthen these muscles.

Step 4: Don’t Forget to Stretch. While the muscles around the knees do need to be strong, they also need to be flexible. Regular stretching helps to keep these muscles from pulling the knee out of alignment.

Step 5: Don’t Ignore Pain. If your knee is painful, swollen, or making unusual noises, check in with a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms can be a sign of damaged cartilage, an issue that can be corrected with early intervention. Trying to “push through” pain without knowing what is causing it puts you at risk of additional injury, so never hesitate to consult with a professional if you think there might be a problem.

Chiropractic Care and Your Knees

Chiropractic care is a vital resource when it comes to keeping your knees healthy. Your chiropractor will take the time to examine and evaluate your joints, muscles, posture and biomechanics to determine the root cause of any discomfort. He or she will then recommend and perform manual techniques that will help to bring your body back into alignment. You will also have the opportunity to discuss your lifestyle and receive recommendations on changes that you can make to continue to improve your knees’ health.

Taking good care of your knees takes commitment, but the rewards are well worth it over the long haul. Talk to your chiropractor today to learn more!

auto accident injury wilmington nc

Auto Accidents and Spinal Disk Injuries

Auto Accidents and Spinal Disk Injuries

Every day, thousands of people across the country are involved in auto accidents. Some are minor fender benders, while others are high-impact collisions. But, what they both have in common is that the spine takes a beating regardless of the speed you’re traveling when the accident occurs, albeit, the more severe the accident, the more severe the potential for injury.This may have you wondering – why is the neck and spine so vulnerable to injury? Taking a closer look at what happens during an auto accident will give us the answer. If you have suffered an auto accident injury, contact us! 

An Accident’s Impact on Your Neck and Spine

Think for a moment about those car commercials where they talk about the car’s safety record. Remember the scene where the car crashes into the wall? What happens to the crash test dummies? The car abruptly stops, but the bodies inside the car continue moving forward, halted only by the air bag and their seatbelts, which engage and pull the dummies back.

In a severe auto accident, the entire body goes through a snapping motion that can cause a host of different injuries to your cervical (neck) vertebrae, including fractures. Even in cases where fractures don’t occur, the sheer violence of the tension, rotation, extension, and flexion can result in a painful condition commonly known as whiplash.

But, don’t think that the neck is the only part of the body subject to injury in an accident. Because the forces caused in an accident can subject a body’s facet joints, muscles, ligaments, soft tissues, and spinal vertebrae to undergo enormous pressures, a wide variety of injuries can occur all throughout the body. When your spinal disks are already slightly degenerated as a result of aging, all it takes is a little bit of extra pressure for them to become herniated.

One of the biggest problems with auto accidents is that the injuries they cause are sometimes not even noticeable until days after the collision. This is because the body’s muscles tense up naturally during the crash and the body’s natural adrenaline kicks in to help manage any pain. But, once the adrenaline wears off; the true impact of the injury starts setting in.

Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Your Neck and Back Pain

Today’s chiropractors are highly trained in helping victims of auto accidents manage their musculoskeletal pain using a wide variety of chiropractic techniques, including spinal manipulation, traction, physiotherapy, kinesiology, and more. Chiropractors can teach you exercises to help heal your muscles and tendons from an auto accident injury Wilmington NC and they can help alleviate your pain so you can heal faster and more effectively. And, unlike traditional medicine, which only masks the pain instead of treating it, chiropractic care treats the actual cause of the pain, thus resulting in long-term relief.

Suffer an Auto Accident Injury Wilmington NC? Call Southeastern Today!

If you recently suffered an auto accident injury Wilmington NC and you’re experiencing ongoing pain as a result, call Southeastern Chiropractic today at 910-790-3666. We are here for you. Our chiropractic team can help you manage your pain naturally and effectively. Discover for yourself the difference that safe and effective chiropractic care can make. With six locations throughout the Wilmington area, we have an office conveniently close to you.